ADSactly FUN - Your first time...
Do you remember your first time? In crypto that is!
For me and no doubt many of you it was Steemit. How peculiar did it feel to be earning a cryptocurrency for blogging?
I mean at the time I was not even sure what a cryptocurrency was. Everyone has heard of Bitcoin but I am certain I was not alone in being surprised at the almost ridiculous number of them. There were hundreds! All of them with exotic names, quite often ending in eum.
Or at least so you first think. Of course, there are hurdles to overcome.
I remember the first time I sent my coin to an exchange. The tension, the sheer nerves. Have I done it right? What the heck are these long addresses? Will this even work?
You log onto the exchange in question.
Hey, where's my money!?
It doesn't appear instantly. You get a sinking feeling in your gut, deep down you knew it was all too good to be true. Your money has disappeared into the ether. (Excuse the pun.)
This is such a scam.
You think despondently.
Then suddenly, after having refreshed the balances screen only about 63 times, it appears and you can breathe a sigh of relief.
This is it. I am on the road to becoming a giant in the crypto-sphere.
You feel such elation. It doesn't take long before you make your first trade and sell your precious coin for some BTC. Does that mean you are a trader now? Things just keep getting better.
After a little time, you amass enough bitcoin and you know it is time for the next step. To transfer your BTC out. Send it to the outside world so that you can place your hands on some 'real' world money. Perhaps you will get a Bitcoin debit card? There are many options. You choose one, then send your BTC to it.
Wait? Where has it gone? It has left the exchange but it has not appeared in the wallet at the other end?
This is such a scam.
You think downheartedly.
You log onto one of the chatrooms. Some splendid fellow advises you that you can check your transaction with a block explorer and that it needs several confirmations. You gratefully thank them whilst wondering what a blockchain explorer or a confirmation is. You are too scared to ask though, for fear of looking even more of a newbie.
Eventually, like an old dog, the wandering Bitcoin shows up in your wallet. You make your first purchase. It works, it goes through. You are riding on a giant wave of elation. Your world has undergone a seismic shift and you know that things will never quite be the same.
It doesn't take you long before the transferring and moving about of crypto becomes second nature. In fact, you even venture into a little bit more trading. There are so many possibilities.
Then one day you log on to your favourite exchange. One of your coins is pumping and you want to sell and get some of that lovely Bitcoin to spend. Isn't this marvellous?
"Your wallet is undergoing maintenance."
How can this be? Why do they have to conduct maintenance on a wallet?
This is such a scam.
You think dejectedly.
Many moons later the wallet comes back online. You realise that you are being far too harsh on the old world of crypto. Now when you see wallets down for maintenance or wait 17 days for a Bitcoin transaction to go through you laugh like a Hyena and carry on without a care in the world.
You definitely no longer think it is a scam. In fact you become quite the crypto evangelist.
This is incredible!
You tell all and sundry.
One day one of your friends shows interest in the whole Crypto realm. You excitedly gabble about coins and exchanges and blockchains. They listen, eyes wide.
You carry on. So much crypto knowledge to impart. Tokens and confirmations and even ICO's. You are bubbling with excitement at sharing all this stuff you have learned. Eventually, you finish and tell them it will be the best thing they ever do.
Your friend leans in and says.
Isn't it all a bit of a scam though?
Do you remember your first time? Was it a fraught and awful experience or was it easy? Do you have any tips you can share that will help newcomers start their journey?
Let us know in the comments!
All pictures sourced from pixabay and in most cases subjected to various manipulations.
Authored by: @meesterboom

I bought an ASIC miner back in 2015. Most miners had already quit mining because the cost was too high and the rewards were too low (in their minds). I thought it was a HOOT!
Haha, that's the way to think of it!! That way you can never lose !
I'm late to the show, but I signed up for coinbase last year. That was my first toe in the water.
Today i,m Earn bitcoin on crypto racers game one hour to make money 10 $ bitcoin price you see a screen short no scam real earning bitcoin.
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Could not sleep one night back in 2014. Ended up ordering an ASIC miner from china at 4am :)))
Those are awesome. I presume it worked out well!
It did actually :) They were really cheap back in the day !
Lol, well, i guess it ended up well.
Kind of :)
Hehe, I had read that. They choose a fortune now!
Check my comment @estheromoyiwola ,you had laugh. Nice meeting you @hossary. I just followed you. Will look out for you. And my comment was
Oh yea!! Am actually an upcoming steemian. You know when you are added to a steemian group chat and then all the PRO in the building start saying SBD,STEAM POWER, CURIE, STEAM,WALLET, UPVOTE, am never shy, am like please guys use a lay man word and they be like those words are for steemit. Imagines few mins ago, i did a whatsapp call to two of my friends asking for more explanation of those terms and they made me realy cleared. I am same person that just taught someone that didnt know what to do and how to relate those terms. It fun and interestin, am realy learning and getting to know great people like you. Woooo!!! Am blessed. Steemit has been my bestfriend since then. Upvoting and adding more to post through comments. So sweet.
My first time
I was like a stranger in an unknown land but with time i got help from people who know much more about it
Thanks to steemit for making me meet those guys unless i would be left in the dark
Steemit has been quite fantastic for learning all about Crypto hasn't it? I think I have learnt all I know and made money out of what I have learnt here
I agree @meesterboom such a great platform
Started back in 2013 and I instantly knew. I was heavily into the conspiracy of the US Dollar and the way it is made. Some lady I gave a taxi ride to from the Airport mentioned bitcoin to me. What? Decentralized money? I thought it was crazy. Then I watched that first "What is Bitcoin?" video. Version 1. Having a slight background in programming, My. Jaw. Was. Floored. My mind was instantly blown and I was immediately sucked in. While I haven't profited much yet, STEEMIT allows me to bring my creativity to life and earn crypto for it. I've been "playing" with digital currencies since 2000. What? How So? Ok, this may sound dumb, but it was MMORPG's like EverQuest. See, the currency in those games are essentially digital coins, and many players were trading those coins for real money. I am guilty of buying EQ Platinum on more than one occasion as a kid. So the kicker was that while these currencies are fully unlimited and obviously only usable within the game, and the idea of a global, limited, encrypted coin just absolutely blew me away. That video's explanation was top notch for me. I laughed for days because of how awesome it sounded.
I love that you found crypto through steemit. That is amazing. I never once thought it was a scam, just that scammers were out there (and back then, plenty of scam coins).
In my opinion, after messing around with steemit (15 day old minnow) I have found it extremely user-friendly and anybody can quickly understand the basics of crypto through this platform. Great post!
Cheers! That's quite fascinating the EverQuest angle. It does help in steemit if you think of the currency as in game tokens. Changes it all up, hehe.
Good luck in your time here!
Definitely! I used to play video games but now I play the crypto game.
Same here :0)
My first time was here on steemit , i made some good money when steemit was still new , but now i can barely make 3 sbd a month
Keep plugging away. Success will come
I feel you man. I also made my first exchange of SBD through Bittrex and unfortunately I ended up messing one of my memos and that SBD was nowhere to be seen. Thanks to good folks at @blocktrades and my Crypto Mentor @sanjay91422, I was able to retrieve that SBD back :D
I wonder is this the platform that's difficult or it is the security measures that make this platform the way it is
The security has to be there because of the money aspect unfortunately. The good thing is though. It gets easier every time :0)
Yeah, that too is true. Earlier (during my first month) I kept writing and wondering about where from the 'real money' would come? But now, after spending time here and reading well--researched articles from experts, I have gained some confidence. And a bit of 'real money' too :D
Thanks for your comment.
I still feel like it's my first time every time.
100% of the time!
Still at the beginning stage. Still wondering if i'd go through all these. I feel excited at the same time feel uneasy.
If you feel uneasy then you will probably go through each and every one of the above!