Colbert Makes Fun of Attempt to Discredit Mueller

in #fun6 years ago

The Fox News commentator Glenn Beck once called him a “puppet master” who controls a malevolent liberal machine, and in recent years, references to Soros as a global supervillain have become commonplace on conservative media outlets.

Bee argued that some amount of the vitriol could be attributed to deep-seated anti-Jewish sentiment.

“The idea of Jews as wealthy, scheming world dominators goes way back, farther than 2010. It’s as old as Mike Pence thinks the earth is.” — SAMANTHA BEE

“Everything people say about Soros was said before about Nathan Mayer Rothschild, of the long-demonized Rothschild banking family. Nathan was falsely accused of profiteering from Napoleon’s bloody defeat at Waterloo, an utterly false smear that stuck to all European Jews for 200 years. As we all know, the only people to have made bazillions off the Battle of Waterloo are Abba.” — SAMANTHA BEEB4DA6748-90FE-4941-BA93-31C79AF9A448.png