Tesla notes the Presence of a Horse on the Road
Topic: AR
Title: Tesla notes the Presence of a Horse on the Road
What: Twitterverse citizen @ ray4tesla noted his Tesla Model 3 recognizing the presence of a horse while driving on the highway.
Why/How: Onboard sensors, cameras
More ...: This is an indication of the progress of machine learning in the wake of incidents that show the tech is not perfect yet, like:
Methodology: Online research and use of the tumbled pyramid
• https://twitter.com/ray4tesla/status/1205903572711301120
Existing Information
• https://9clouds.com/blog/what-are-the-biggest-driverless-car-problems/
• https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/3/5/18251924/self-driving-car-racial-bias-study-autonomous-vehicle-dark-skin
Wordcount: 200-300
Qualification statement: A noteworthy development in the world of AR tech.
Time: 24 hours
Budget: 200TECH