Hello Steemians and Foodies

My Hot Mango Salsa

I never hate monday, because this is the best opportunity to enjoy wonderful posts about Fruits and Veggies also Recipes posts from wonderful Mamas on Steemit. Thanks to @lenasveganliving who run this #fruitsandveggiesmonday competition. Check on this post >> STEEMIT FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇 for more information.

My neighbour Mango's tree

There are so many variety of mangoes, I think that I've eaten more than 12 varieties of it in my lifetime which I can't say which variety is it, LOL. I read from this post but it is in Bahasa Indonesia and This Post in English (but not too complete) because we have local mangoes too. I don't even know the names of 2 mangoes we have in my parent's house but it's the best mangoes in the world because you can see its grow and bear fruits then pick it up when its ripe.

But I'mnot living with my Parent anymore, now. But I have many good neighbours who will share their harvested fruits to us. A Neighbour had borrowed our fruit's pole two days ago and when he returned the pole he gaves us mangoes, Cengkir Indramayu Mango, a local mango which has a sweet and crunchy meat when its half ripe.

I got six mangoes and a new knife

I think I remember why I get used to mangoes since I was a kid, I lived in an Mango Alley (Lorong Mangga) named of the street where my parent's house is. Every house in the alley has at least one mango tree in their front yard, and not a single tree was a similiar variety of mango. When I was in University, I lived in a house which has 2 mango trees and become my source of food when my parent's a bit late to send the living cost or allowance for me. I made pickles, salsa or just had the mangoes for a week and I survived (couldn't sell any because it's not my tree, I can eat the whole fruits but never sold it). The sour taste mangoes better make as pickle or Fruit's Salad we call Rujak with peanut based dressing.

This time I'm just gonna make a Hot Mango Salsa for myself (Hubby doesn't likes Mango Salsa, He Prefers Mango Juice and ripe mangoes).

it is crunchy and sweet

Hot Mango Salsa

Here is the process

All you need are;
3 mangoes (half ripe)
1 tsp sea salt (more salt if it is sour taste mangoes)
2 cayenne pepper (you can add more if you like hottest taste)
5 tsp cane sugar (add more if you like)
1 tsp lemon juice (if you like a fresh taste)

How to;

  • Peel the mangoes and slice it according to your taste, I used to chop it into a small pieces but I didn't do it this time (because it taste sweet)
  • slice the cayenne pepper (don't remove the seeds)
  • add the sea salt and slice cayenne to the mangoes
  • add the sugar and mix it well
  • let it for 30 minutes (don't put it in the fridge)
  • mix it again after 30 minutes and you'll see the juice
  • if you don't want to it at the time, keep it in the fridge and it can be mango pickles after 2 days.


A Brief Information About Mango

Mango is A National fruit of India and National Symbol of Philipines, originating from Sub-Himalayan Plains, South Asia. Mangifera Indica is the scientific name of this seasonal delicious tropical fruits. Mango also considered as a super fruit because its rich of pre-biotics dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and poly-phenolic falvonoid antioxidant compounds. Fresh mango also a good source of potassium and other benefit as a protector againts colon and breast cancer. Find more information about it Here.

We have Indramayu in West Java as The City of Mangoes and Indonesia is on the 6th rank of countries which contributes mangoes production to the world. You'll have mangoes through the year if you are in my country.

This post is created for #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving on Steemit. All photos in this post were taken with Samsung Note2 and Redmi 5A.

Thanks for Stopping By and Have A Happy Mango-Monday!



Oh I love mangoes. I like mango salsa, mango in my stew, mango on my tacos, mango by itself, I’m kind of a mango freak. This recipe is perfect @cicisaja! Great simple delicious mango recipe to go with anything or nothing at all 😋. Love it.

Yess.. @puravidaville 😉 I failed to get the ripe jackfruit from the vegetable salesman😊 so I skipped the jackfruit recipe this week😊 so.. mangoes are everywhere, even in our community park we have mango trees and we can have it when the harvest time coming. I like mangoes sour or sweet, we can handle its natural acidic by making the sweetened pickles too. Thank you for dropping by. See you around.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a sour mango. Is that a different variety or just an unripened mango? Pickling it sounds delicious though. I’ll still keep my eye out for your jackfruit creation 😉

There's some variety of mangoes that the sour taste remain even if it well ripe😊 we have it at the community park here months ago, but since nobody pick it up.. so they cut the tree and plant another variety.

If people don’t eat the fruit from your community trees they’ll plant another kind? That’s so cool. Any fruit tree you see in Los Angeles is probably going to be on someone’s private property. Usually people don’t care if we take a lemon here or there but I wouldn’t count on them sharing their mangoes. But who knows, maybe they’d be happy to 🤷🏼‍♀️

As long as you take care of the plant and notify the community leader about it (but it's only applied in my neighbourhood😂) I'm looking for a chance to harvest Matoa from the public space and some stinky beans from the mosque too ... still I need an approval from the caretaker first.

Mangoes not something common at your place my dear.. I can grow my own with the seed of the fallen mangoes (you know.. we have bats that has amazing instinct to pick the best fruit😁) but it will take too long to grow them from seed.. so, let's buy the flowering mango tree and wait for 2 months to pick it.

No, mango trees aren’t common in California. We have a lot of almond trees and citrus trees. Because it can be pretty tropical here in LA I’d think we could grow a mango tree but I haven’t seen one myself. I have neighbors who have a banana tree. I think that’s pretty cool.

Mango Alley, and every house has a mango tree, but none of them are the same kind? I had no idea there were so many kinds, that's wild! I like mangoes but haven't tried them other than fresh. Mango salsa sounds delicious! Thank you for a recipe with simple ingredients!

At least we have 31 kind of mangoes in the world now, so many cultivars try to produce the best mango. Even in Taiwan where mango is not their local fruit, now they have many great taste mangoes too.

Off course.. India is still the first country in the world which produces so many mangoes for the world. Many of Indonesian mangoes came from India before the local cultivars cross-breed (i don't know the right word for plant😂) those mangoes though we still have our spesific mangoes too.

You can find half-ripe mangoes in the supermarket, even its well-ripe also good for mango salsa, you can add onion and cinnamon too if you like it. Better use fresh cayenne then the powder.

About Mango Alley, there are 10 houses there and we have 12 kind of mangoes😊 including my "embacang tree" at that time, but now we have 3 mango trees in my parent's yard and none of those 3 from the same kind too, but the embacang trees was cut down when my father decided to make another room and kitchen😢 in 1998, and since then.. I never ate any embacang like ours anywhere.

Wow - 31 varieties of mangoes!
Not around here and that's for sure! Of course I probably couldn't tell from looking at one.

I looked up embacang and it led me to bacang which looks like a fruit, partly like a mango and partly like a papaya. But it's probably a kind of mango? Google doesn't let me taste it!

The mangoes I have tasted had only a mild flavor, nothing to get excited about. I think they were not picked fresh from the tree when I got one. And probably not ripened on the tree either. Tomorrow is a farmer's market here and I will ask if they have mangoes. I will find out if any grow around here or if they are brought from other countries.

I love your recipe and your story, especially the part about you surviving on mangoes while in University. That is truly amazing, because I know they are vegans who can live only on fruits. One of them is Mango Wodzak who wrote book about that and has many YouTube videos. Anyway, it's funny that he named himself mango, lol. I guess your story is another prove that living on fruits is possible. Well done my Dear 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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Thank you @lenasveganliving 😊 I am a fruits lover, even my mom knew where to find me if I lost in a local market when I was 3 yo😂😂 the fruits stall vendors😀 I'll stay amongs the fruits,eating untill somebody I know come to get me😊and paid the fruits.

Here in Indonesia we were told about eating a complete foods: rice/cassava/sagoo, fish-meat, veggies,fruits, tempe,tahu and milk. 4 healthy and 5 perfect meals in a day 😊and if you can't afford all.. at least have rice and veggies. Meat is not something that everybody can afford and an occasional treat.

We were told that too, but it's not true. Look at gorillas, how big they are and they eat only fruits and some leaves. Children also know what is good for them and that's why you were attracted to fruit, because your body was craving it my Dear 🌸💖🌸

Wow, that looks very tasty, just the way I like it.

With me it is so that I pursue a weight-reducing nutrition conditioned by my sport. So I avoid any form of sugar / fruit sugar from 15:00 o'clock, in the evening I eat mainly protein-rich food because these have the function overnight when we sleep to burn the body fat, without we have to go to the GYM for it. I hope that this valuable tip can help some.

Have fun with such good recipes.

Sporty greetings Robert.

You can skipped the sugar if the mangoes already the full-ripe one and add some onion too😉 i ate this as my dinner. What is your protein sources @fitbyrobi 😉 if you check on the #fruitsandveggiesmonday.. who knows you find something cool.. it's only about fruits and veggies.

Thanks for dropping a comment and 💪 sporty greet to you too

This is really interesting to me @cicisaja because I've always eaten mangoes like your husband does ... more ripe and sweet. But I do love sour, so I'm going to have to try this. My favorite is a mango salsa with onion, lime juice, red pepper and sometimes pineapple; I love it with fish :)

So awesome that @matkodurko featured you in his entry too :)

thank you @lynncoyle1, I can stop laughing when I read @matkodurko featured me. well.. I never eat mango salsa with anything, though sometimes I saw my family eats it with rice and fish too, I like to eat just mango salsa, beside... I like the sour and hot taste, somehow it's good to control my high blood pressure.

I've never seen this kind of mango. I've only eaten two so far and my favorite is this little very sweet one from Mexico. (One store calls them "champagne" - though I doubt that would fly in Mexico.)

I found your post today thanks to @matkodurko's entry for the Pay it Forward Curation Contest. Keep up the great work!

thank you @viking-ventures, since mango is tropical and seasonal fruits, No wonder that you only have two.. if you are not so far away from my place, I can send you 5 kinds right now, because the mangoes peak season is right now.

The link that Cheetah so nicely provided told me that the one I was referring to is the Ataulfo variety. They're more expensive than the others, and are rarely available out of season. :-)

I wish I was closer to the tropics for fruit - I know that many of these things are delicate and don't survive long-distance travel. One day, I'll have to travel - but to the warmer countries instead of always to the colder ones!

mexico is the best place to enjoy all those tropical fruits and sun I guess... I read so many wonderful that we have here in Indonesia, also native and origins to Mexico or from south to centra America

Wow, I wish I could pick fresh mangoes as well!

Perhaps you'd visit a mango's plantation one day and pick it up.. all I know that, there's no mango season anymore.. because we never know mangoes are out of stock here in Indonesia, we can have it everyday.

Mango Alley, I think I'd feel like a kid in a candy store if I lived there! Hot Mango Salsa sounds really good, and I'm sure it's super delicious! I love this recipe, it's simple, yet, tasty. Great job, @cicisaja! What do you like to eat with salsa? :)

Hahaha @jasmink, when I was a kid.. my house is the only house which has no common mango trees but we have a different kind called "embacang" the sweetest and only 2 trees in the neighbourhood, so we just exchanged the fruits to each other 😊 and I eat my mango salsa itself 😊 this one with 3 mangoes was my diner. But sometimes we eat it with rice too.

You were in a pretty good situation as a child, you could've ruled the mango business among children, haha! I can only imagine how delicious fresh mangoes are, I've only tasted mangoes that have been imported to Finland from different countries, and I'm quite sure that the taste is very different. However, I love mangoes, so I think I'd adore the fresh ones!

Mango salad with three mangoes sounds perfect! 😍

😂😂😂 it was a good diner for me @jasmink 😊 I told my hubby that it's too hot for him and as I revenge, he ate the rest half ripe mangoes by himself and then his sister shared 2 more well-ripe mangoes from her own tree, he shared me 2 slices only😂

No child would run a mango business in my neighbourhood, we took mangoes from our own trees and then sit at an approved place (could be one of our neighbour terrace) and ate them together after lunch or before diner or sometimes we just head to the beach to eat the mangoes salad (with special peanut dressing too)

Haha, I could imagine that kind of revenge in my family as well, but hey, at least you got those two slices 😂

I don't know whether he read my comments ... because he's my forever stalker, next day he bougth 5 mangoes and he shared every mango with me, equally except for the seeds .. hahahaha

Hahahaha, I like his was to apologize!

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Oh yum! I adore mangoes! I really like them in a salsa, as well. Mondays never disappoint with so many wonderful food posts!

We use ripe mango for the salsa right? But I like the half ripe.. especially when it's fresh from the tree😊 you're totally right.. I love the #fruitsandveggiesmonday.. I always looking for an opportuniy to keep joining each week because I like to read other's posts though sometimes I just forgot to take any picture of my veggies recipe 😂

Yep, I think I've only had it with ripe, but I like the idea of the less ripe version, as well!

And fyo😊 those who love to eat less ripe mangoes here in my country will be considered as a pregnant woman😂😂😂 everybody ask whether I'm pregnant when I make this.. and I eat them all, myself in 30 minutes too.

Hahaha! That's too funny!

And today my FIL brought mangoes from his trip with my SIL.. he probably think that I'm pregnant too😂😂😂