five benefits of dates for our health.

in #fruit7 years ago

five benefits of dates for our health.

therefore in sunatkan breaking the fast premises denga palm.
The benefits of dates are free of constipation, digestive problems, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and other conditions. Dates are also very good for weight gain. Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This delicious date palm contains oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, and magnesium that are beneficial to health. Some health experts say that consuming one date per day is necessary for a balanced and healthy diet.

The health benefits of dates have made this fruit the best ingredient for muscle development. People consume dates in various ways; mixing dates with milk, yogurt, or with bread and butter to make it more enjoyable. Date dough is useful for adults and children, especially during the recovery period from injury or illness.

Based on a survey of modern medicine, dates have been recognized to help the process of prevention of abdominal cancer. Many Muslims break their fast by eating dates and drinking water according to their religious traditions. Breaking the fast with eating dates helps to avoid overeating after the fast ends. As the body begins to absorb the nutrients contained in the dates, hunger is also lost. Also, the nervous system can be helped by eating dates, because the nervous system has high amounts of potassium.

Dates are one of the sweet and versatile foods that can regulate the digestive process. Dates can increase energy within 30 minutes for those who consume them. The American Cancer Society recommends a fiber intake of 20 to 35 grams per day, which can be fulfilled by consuming dates. Consuming 1 fruit per day is also believed to help maintain the health of your eyes for life. Dates are known to be effective enough to protect the eyes from night blindness.

Nutrition Value from Dates
Dates are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Dates are a good source of energy, sugar, and fiber. Important minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc are found in dates. Dates also contain vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin K.

Benefits of Date Fruits For Health

  1. Constipation: dates are often categorized as laxatives. This is why dates are often consumed by people suffering from constipation. To achieve the desired laxative effect, soak the dates in the water overnight. Then, eat dates that have been soaked to be like syrup to get optimal results. Dates have a high level of fiber, which is very beneficial for stomach health and facilitate defecation, so it can cure constipation symptoms.

  2. Health and Bone Strength: very high mineral content in date palm makes it a super food to strengthen bones and fight diseases such as osteoporosis. Dates contain selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium; all of which are components of bone growth and strength, especially for people who are getting older and their bones begin to weaken. So eat dates and feel the benefits on your bones.

  3. Intestinal Disorders: the content of nicotine in dates is considered useful in curing various kinds of intestinal disorders. Regular consumption of dates helps to inhibit the growth of pathological organisms and helps stimulate beneficial bacteria in the intestine. For digestive problems, dates contain soluble and insoluble fibers, as well as amino acids that are beneficial to stimulate the digestion of food and make digestion more efficient, which means more nutrients will be absorbed by the digestive system and enter the body for proper use.

  4. Anemia: dates have very high mineral content, which is beneficial for various health conditions, but the high iron content in dates makes it a dietary supplement for those suffering from anemia. High iron content balances iron deficiency in anemic patients, increases energy and energy, and at the same time reduces fatigue and lethargy.

  5. Allergy: one of the most interesting aspects of dates is the organic sulfur content it has. This element is not a common element to be found in food, but has beneficial health benefits, including allergic reactions and seasonal allergies. According to research in 2002, organic sulfur content can have a positive effect on SAR (Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis) patients, affecting 23 million people in the United States. Dates are an excellent way to reduce the effects of seasonal allergies due to sulfur As well as the best eating seven dates. Both in the religion and the scientific explanation of this question that is when the date produces the power to make the protection of the human body and create a protective shield for the human body. Amer bin Saad from his father - said: Rasulullah, saw: do ihtiar protection from magic by eating 7 dates Research has shown when the date palm has the main benefits.
    Why are dates hated by djinn and satan? Why Must It Be Taken In Odd Counts? this is his Scientific answer

  6. reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent atherosclerosis.

  7. prevent colon cancer and avoid disease, hemorrhoids and reduce the shape of bitterness stone and facilitate the stage of pregnancy and childbirth, because it contains fiber and good food digestion and sugar.

  8. prevent tooth decay because it contains fluorine.

  9. Prevent toxins because they contain sodium, potassium and vitamin c.

5 'anemia treatment because it contains iron, copper, vitamin B-2.

drugs for rickets and osteomalacia because they contain calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A

  1. treatment for anorexia and lack of concentration due to potassium.

  2. for general treatment of deficiency as well as heart palpitations because it contains magnesium, copper

  3. rheumatic and brain cancer drugs because they contain boron.

  4. anti-cancer due to containing selenium has been seen when residents do not understand cancer oasis.

11 healing erectile dysfunction because it contains boron, vitamin A.

12 treatments for dry skin as well as, dry corneal disease and night blindness because it contains vitamin A.

  1. a cure for gastrointestinal tract disease because it contains vitamin B1.

14 treatments for hair loss and eye stress and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and inflammation of the lips because vitamin B-2 contains.

15 inflammatory skin care because it contains vitamin niacin.

16 medications for scurvy, general weakness and palpitations, shortness of breath and contraction of blood vessels and the appearance of red spots on the skin and deficiencies in bones and teeth, because they contain Vitamin C or ascorbic acid 2.

17 Treatment of acidity in the stomach because it contains chlorine, sodium and potassium.

18 treatment of gum disease and lack of capillary blood vessels, muscle deficiency and risky bones because they contain vitamin Ccontributions derived from dates


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