My Health Journey - Continued

in #fruit8 years ago

Now fruit has some very beneficial qualities to it. Firstly, if you can get it picked ripe and good quality, it tastes amazing. Just ponder that for a seconds. Nature produced this sweet mango or fresh apple, just from the sun, water and soil. The more I think about that miracle, and that it's completely "automatic" , the more I'm convinced that nature holds far more answers to our problems than we can imagine.

I love hiking and camping. There's nothing better than waking up in a tent an early late summer morning by a lake. The distant chirping of the birds. The calm presence of the lake. The rising sun and its warm rays, waking the forest and its beings.

There's something so powerful with clean and calm nature that just pulls me out of my over thinking mind and settles me in my beingness. Breathing, walking, perceiving. No need to meditate here, nature is meditation itself. The worst part is leaving it. Coming back to civilization with all it's structures, I can feel the mind starting to turn its wheels again. Stuff to think about, things to plan, tasks to execute. people to answer to. Nothing wrong in that, at all. It's just different. And if people actually spend more time out in nature, than at the countless distractions society provides(do I even need to name them..), I believe people would find themselves newborn in a couple of weeks.

Ok back to fruit. The gifts of nature are not only well tasting, it has some very beneficial effects upon the body. Fruits in particular. With its easily digestible fiber it doesn't require much energy for digestion. The energy comes predominantly in the forms of simple sugars. Fructose. Now keep in mind, this is not at all the same as "High Fructose Corn Syrup" that very sweet artificial compound is made in a lab from GMO corn, grown with a truck load of pesticides on depleted soils. Not something you want in your fine, snappy body.

People are afraid of sugars mostly I believe from clever marketing and misdirected science. The ""bad" sugars getting all the heat in scientific literature and media, is the white, refined stuff. And for good reason. Firstly, it's a complex sugar meaning its molecular structure has several branches to it. This is what we call glucose. It's actually a vegetable sugar. And where does the white refined sugar come from, well either from sugar beets or sugar cane. Which both are plants, vegetables.

Vegetables are not really suited for human consumption because of its hard to digest fiber, cellulose. That's why the herbivores(cows, horses, giraffes, rhinos, elephants etc) has strong grinding teeth, long and complex digestive tracts, to break down all this cellulose. The length of a herbivore GI-tract you will find is up to 24 times the length if its spine. Humans only 12 times.

When you start eating predominantly fruit, you will quickly realize that getting it ripe is the main challenge. The fruit industry works on harvesting the fruit a bit early in order to survive shipping. Bananas comes out strongest of them all because they actually ripen after it's been picked. Some other fruit does this as well, some don't, but banana does this the best. That's one of the reasons you can get it all over the world.

If you live in a European country, there will be a mix of locally grown fruits and imported. Find those you enjoy and experiment! I love to squeeze some lime on almost most fruit, gives it a nice tang. I was heavily into the dates for some years. They were pretty affordable and easy to find. Loads of sugars, carbs. Great for an active lifestyle. You can mic them in a smoothie with banana and you have the best sports drink money can buy.

I also love apples and in my community they were plentiful in the autumn. Find what's local in your area and go the extra mile to get your hands on those! I promise you the best fruit is the one that grows in your garden. Unfortunately most people with a garden don't pick the fruit growing there, which leaves great opportunities for a fruit addict like you and me. I think I told this before but most people I've encountered would gladly give it away in good knowing it would come to use for someone. I think you will find the same.

Fruit is not only highly nutritious, it has a astringent (pulling) effect on the lymphatic system I touched on before. This is very important since the lymph is what handles all waste in the body. This is especially true for the acid(lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, mandarins, clementine etc) and sub-acid (apple, mango, blueberry, blackberry, cherry, peach, pear etc) fruits.

The fruit cleanses and nourishes at the same time. Also it's content of simple sugars, fructose, has an interesting quality. You see this is one thing not understood in the scientific community yet. Fructose does not require insulin to be carried into the cells. Glucose does require insulin but fructose does not. Remember that. And the theory that fructose would first have to be converted in the liver to glucose, before it can be used, is just that, a theory. The simplicity if nature goes over the head of most scientists at this moment in time unfortunately. The idea that the body would have to convert something coming directly from nature is just astounding to me.

This accuracy in this statement is also demonstrated in the Diabetes type 1 cases Dr Robert Morse has cured.
Check this video:

He puts them on 100% fruit and they have NO blood sugar problems. Why? Because fructose doesn't require insulin. As soon as they start on the salads their blood sugar shoots up. Why? Vegetable sugars, glucose, requires insulin for absorption into the cells. And diabetics have a problem with insulin as we know.

To be continued..