Thoughts for the day...

in #friends6 years ago

You know you really cannot pick and choose what is right or wrong with a person. Everyone is different. we all have our good points and we all have just as many faults.

The way we live is our own choice. As long as your life does not effect any other person or harm them, it should not make any difference. I have lived in 6 places in the USA. That is places where I have had a physical address. The person I am has a combination of all of those places. Also in that are the places I have traveled to overseas. My thoughts are different in many ways, why?, because I have been there.

Even if you just live in one place, you would probably have more experience in that place then I would ever have.

Think about it, and realize just how special all your friends are. Think about their differences, and what make them special and an exciting part of your world.

Wishing all a day full of peace, joy and blessings.



Hello John , your are right of course as long your not hurting other people/animals you should live your life how you wish x