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RE: Moving to hive

in #fridayrant5 years ago

Exactly! I could not think of a better demand driver for steem. The only reason it isn't working better than it is is because most people outside of this little box don't know about it.

The changes they are making is going to decrease demand for SP, not increase it.


Every single person knows that they can self vote and I'll ve glad if the profiteers will leave, it will give others an opportunity to bank on the hypothesized price correction, and there couldn't be a better thing happening than for those who want to buy themselves a money tree to be dissuaded from trying it. The demand to publish on a transparent, decentralized, censorship proof platform is what kept people flooding in when the price crashed to 6c, or you think it was the dreams of money trees that did it?

It certainly wasn't the allure of investing money in order to reward others. By the way, Steemit is not censorship resistant, ask @theshadowbrokers.

Steemit is not Steem, and what was that? People poured in after a total crash of the price because they could self vote? No you whack ass idiot, they did so because the desire for publishing on here.

If there was a desire to publish on here, people would flock to here regardless of the price. That has proven not to be the case.

How do you figure? What proof are you referring to? Is this still not the most used blockchain around? Is this not the most active blockchain around? What do you think drove numerous people to join after the price crashed to 6 cents? First you tried to make it seem like steem is steemit, and now you're talking about proof without anything to show for it.

First of all I never said steemit was steem, you were talking about publishing on a platform, that platform being steemit.

And no, this is not the most used or active blockchain, it's not even in the top 5 depending on the day you look:

What drove people to join? Um the prices shooting up from $.07 to $2.83 in the spring of 2017.

The proof is in the activity levels man, c'mon:

That chart is a weekly chart of posts and comments, and it almost perfectly mirrors the price of steem chart.

It clearly shows there is a correlation between the price of steem and activity levels.


Lol, yeah because tx/day means anything about how active or how large the userbase is. Next you'll come back with how many wallets eos has or ETH. Lol tell me, which came first, activity or price? And the price didn't shoot up at all in the spring, check you shit.

Spring 2017:

Prices went from $.07 to $2.83 just like I said.

The platform is steem, not Steemit, steemit is a front end, a cosmetic facade for the underlying Platform.

BTW, curation rewards are why most people stake up, because most people recognize that there's no such thing as money trees and they want to get rewarded for rewarding others, it's a win win, that kind of influential power will always be in demand. On the other hand, if there wasn't a way to counter self voting this place would not exist. I wonder where whaleshares is heading considering that they literally removed the only mechanism to curb such idiotic value extracting and value destroying behaviors.

If what you say is true the users and activity on here would continue to go up and up regardless of what the price of steem does. Looking at those numbers overlayed on a price of steem chart doesn't support your thesis.

Why? People leaving offsets it obviously, but people keep joining, regardless of price, why? Because people kept joining long after the price was in the 6c range.

BTW, curation rewards are why most people stake up, because most people recognize that there's no such thing as money trees and they want to get rewarded for rewarding others

Curious what your take is on curation snipers.

Posted using Partiko Android

You mean those low sp accounts that automatically upvote posts with popular tags from fellow low sp accounts?

Almost but not sure what you mean by fellow low sp accounts. They often target popular accounts known to receive high payouts with a nominal vote and are more or less agnostic to the content itself.

It's going to be much more profitable post fork I imagine. I see it as undermining ideal functioning of content discovery via organic curation.

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