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RE: Black Marshmallows (Freewrite Prompt: Burning)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Some of my happiest early memories are of camping with the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The fire, the freedom, and the enormous amounts of sweets and chocolate my Mum would pack for me. I wasn't allowed to open the sweet box until I was on the trip and she never disappointed.

My best memory was probably the time we went to an old quarry near where I used to live. We didn't actually camp that day it was just an activity type thing. It rained so much we just ended up playing in the mud all day, and when I got home my Dad had to hose me down in the garden because my Mum wouldn't have me in the house!

I'd not thought about my campsite mini adventures for ages, it's been over twenty years now. Thanks for reminding me.


I loved reading this, it's so sweet! I'm glad my writing could remind you of your childhood <3