Freewrite Day 195 - the entryway

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He approached the door and was feeling nervous from the moment he was looking at it.
He met this girl just a week ago. She was there at Uni - sitting in the computer lab working on something that he knew nothing about. He had his own work to do for second year in Engineering. He had to focus on work. Instead, his eyes kept drifting over to her. She was beautiful as she stared at the screen through the glasses.
It went on like that everyday. He went to the computer lab at lunch time and forgot about food (he ate in lectures anyway). He was supposed to study but instead he kept catching glimpses of her. Occasionally their eyes met and they looked away.
Yesterday, Friday, she got up from her seat after the perving session and walked over to him. "I have been waiting all this time for you to come over and ask me on a date. But I suspect if I don't take the initiative and ask you to come and get me tonight and take me out; it won't happen. Am I right?" He just stared at her - stumped for words...
"Do you want to tell me your name?" He nodded. "I'm Robert. Everyone calls me Rob at Uni"
"OK Rob. Come and pick me up from this address tomorrow at 7pm. And here's my mobile. See you tomorrow night."
They both smiled. She had pathed the way for something that he considered too hard to do.
Now he was facing the Entryway. Her Front Door. Were her parents on the other side? would he have to meet them? Oh my God no!! He was ready to turn around and just leave, but a force kept him there and drew him forward. He was almost fainting but he had to do it - he had to knock on the door; maybe even go through it.
His knock was more like a tap, but she heard him. The door opened and she beckoned him in.
"Just grab a seat while I grab a couple things. And let me introduce you to my parents."
It didn't matter; for her it was worth it!!
Nice way of capturing the inner feelings of the poor guy!
He's just a little bit shy lol!! 😄
That was so sweet!!!
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