The Racket - 5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago

Something quite different from yesterday! The prompt today is racket, and I opted for perhaps the more obscure meaning of the word. Here goes:



He sat alone, surrounded by demons.

All around him, milled the people. The murmurs, the mutters, the chair skidding, the door sliding, the curtains rustling, the papers flipping, the greetings shouting. All around, incessant, inexorable, unbearable. The infernal racket.

And he was furious, and he hated, and he hated viciously. And he knew, that upon the faces of the nonchalant people around him were hung the faces of monsters, hateful devils from the depths of his own soul.

He was alone. And yet he was Legion. He was trapped with himself. The sound would not subside, the noise would not relent. He could stomache it no more. The racket rang and rattled and battered his very soul.

He was breaking. Perhaps he needed to be alone. Perhaps he ought never, ever to be alone.


I was just reading @kinberylane's post and thinking of the internal conflict I often have when I think I'm the brunt of a joke. The voices get a bit too loud as I try and decide what to do next. As I told her, I tend to just stay silent, and let them wonder about my reaction. That way I don't look stupid when they are just trying to get a rise out of me. ;-)

Here is today's prompt: Day 322: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: plug

Remember to visit us!

I very much like where you took the prompt. I too thought about the racket in our own heads.

Glad you liked it! Somehow racket as in "swindling ring" didn't occur to me and I really didn't want to write about the sports instrument, so it came to this :)

I thought everyone had racket in their head, um i mean demons.

Demons with rackets! :)