Day 227: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: bones
My Doggies favorite past time....

Every time I hear of bones I always think of something that my dog can munch. When I see bones from our get together I would always ask for it so I can bring it to my doggies because for sure they will love me. They always get excited every time I go home and seeing that my hand is holding something because they know it is something for them!
So every single day when I go home I buy them chicken feet where the bone is a little bigger. That would be their past time before going to sleep.
I even have to buy their dog treats like biscuits in the shape of the bone so they can munch on them. The treat shaped as bone is common on dog shops but the ones I bought for them which you can see on the picture has to be bought on a one store all over Cebu. So I have to specially travel to the store to buy them their treats. At times the bone biscuits is always out of stock because I assume is also very in demand to some other dog owners.

Dog treats in bone shape is a hit to my dogs. Is it also with yours?
happily yours,
The Berger Picard, Miniature American Shepherd and Lagotto Romagnolo are the newest dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2015.
Thank you very much for this new information.
Here is the new prompt:
They do like chicken feet!!