Day 909: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: bitter pill

in #freewrite5 years ago

5 Minute Freewrite courtesy of @mariannewest. Prompt: bitter pill


And I cannot force myself to Swallow.

The easy to swallow gel coat slowly dissolves in my mouth. I cannot swallow.

The medicine leaks onto my tongue. Acrid and burning it will not make me better.

I feel as if I've been here before, me and this bitter pill.

Remembrances of a past they say will surely fade.

This is not my cure, this is not my future.

This is my cancer and I will not swallow, not this bitter pill.

The count on the bottle says ninety.

My heart and brain and being scream, never again. Not this time.

The muscles in my mouth, my jaw, my tongue reflex and down it goes, just a dissolved solvent solving nothing but problems I created for myself in days so young I could not know better.

And there you have it, one more day a slave, a walking man, a burned out husk surely to lead wherever they follow. Or is it the other way around?

Thanks again for your time and attention!




And there you have it, one more day a slave, a walking man, a burned out husk surely to lead wherever they follow. Or is it the other way around?

interesting ending!