I want to flag the internet!
The majority of people here seem to not like flagging for some reason. I've heard their reasons...and I completely disagree. Flagging just because you're a dick and disagree is kind of a dick move. I try to stick to mostly just the standard Steemit recommended reasons to flag.
There are a few other things that I will flag for...but they're pretty rare, so it's hard to even really think of examples. Mostly it's for abusive people, racist, etc.
But when you search the internet for various things, it actually almost seems more common that you find shit that you really want to flag.
Like when looking up how to repair something and some idiot has some really stupid advice, telling you that it absolutely will fix your problem. Sometimes, like an idiot, you actually try it. Then a bit later, you realize how stupid it was, and you were just desperate.
The funny thing is that these idiots always seem to show up in search results before anything that could actually fucking help you.
Idiots might be the number one reason I want to flag the internet. Sure, there are plenty of assholes and racists on the internet, but I don't make a habit of looking at places where they hang out. If I did, and I could flag the internet, I would very quickly run out of VP.
Of course, then the entire internet would have the same problems we have. Believe it or not, just because someone's willing to invest a bunch of money into something doesn't mean they know better what should get upvotes or flags. In fact, if we're to judge by the world at large, it seems like there's a tendency for assholes to get rich a lot easier. Probably because they don't have a pesky moral compass pointing them in non-profitable directions.
Though the flag wars here prove that there are always reasons for even the profitably minded to disregard profit for a while...even if it's just to intimidate so they can continue raping the reward pool.

I made dis!