The Afterlife (Freewrite Prompt: See You on the Other Side)

in #freewrite7 years ago

I used to have so much pent up fear about death. Wondering if someone was actually out there watching me, taking care of my and even making sure that I didn't get hit by a bus or even if my soul would even go somewhere if that bus did actually hit me. These thoughts only grew louder and louder when my grandfather like figure passed away late last year, and through the grief came the first time I actually questioned whether or not I would see him ever again. No one can ever be sure what happens after death, and that fear of the unknown pressed on my mind and still does.

Every culture has their own version of what happens when death comes knocking. Whether it's being reincarnated, going to Heaven, Hell, or a Purgatory like place, or even how this life prepares you for your next life and once you die you just get shipped off to the next life that one being either the same if not better than the one before, I've never had the feeling that one is right. All these versions have a similar concept: the afterlife. Almost every culture seems as if they are trying to grab hold of something and that they just can't not think of themselves not existing. Resulting in legends, religions, traditions and everything in between devoted to grasping onto hope of an after life.

I'm not here to bring a close to the argument of who is right and who is wrong, but I am here to say the everyone is here for a specific reason. Big or small. I have faith that no matter where it is, I know for sure that there is something. Whether if it is Heaven or being reincarnated into a panda (I'm not sure which is better) there is something. So, I will see you on the other side.

Thanks to @mariannewest for this freewrite prompt!


I too think that there is something - but what, we will never know....
Gave this the upvote for you poetry digest piece :)

I am here to say the everyone is here for a specific reason.


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