Tody's 5 Minute Freewrite - Broke

in #freewrite6 years ago


I think it's safe to say, we have all been broke, financially speaking, at one time or another. Student loans, medical bills, natural disasters affect millions of people, wreaking havoc on their financial stability.

I have had good times and not so good times, and regardless of where you stand now, there is always opportunity.

After Hurricane Maria last year, Puerto Rico was destroyed. It was almost impossible to have access to money for months. Even if you had money in a bank account, you could not withdraw for a while. When you were able to withdraw, you were maxed at $50, this after waiting in line for hours.

It was an eerie feeling to know that you had money in a bank, but had no access to it. After a few days, we were all broke. It was quite shocking, and we were left thinking there had to be a better way.

Enter the world of crypto. Sure I had heard about crypto, but I never really paid much attention to it. This all changed and we started becoming more interested as we continued to learn. This has opened up a whole new world for me. That is pretty much why I am here today on Steemit.

As we look at what is happening around the world when it comes to the devaluation of currencies, there is a loss of trust in the whole monetary system. Is it broke? Is cryptocurrency the solution for the future? I don't know, but I am enjoying the ride.

This post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest
Check it out!



Me too. I don't know but I am enjoying the ride. :) Enjoyed reading your freewrite 😉

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