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RE: To Write (Freewrite Prompt: Running in Place)

in #freewrite6 years ago

I don't know about you, but writing is like therapy for me. Writing about all the bad crap wading around in my head seems to somehow let it free... like, it somehow allows those bad/negative thoughts to be released onto the 'paper' and then I can let them out of my head.

Writing/venting/pouring my soul out with the written word ALWAYS makes me feel better.

I hope you can find a way to let it just be a release to you as well.

I also have a harder time writing when things are going really well in life, because I tend to want to be DOING instead of sitting and writing. That's why I try to set myself goals and write about people/things that make me happy. Sometimes that only happens on things like birthday letters for my kids or on my anniversary, but I'm trying to get better about it.

The best thing about your writing is that it is REAL and you are so good at letting the words flow.