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RE: Black Marshmallows (Freewrite Prompt: Burning)

in #freewrite7 years ago

You captured so much emotion and detail in this. I could almost taste the burnt marshmallows (and the chocolate). What a beautiful freewrite. It reminds me of taking our family camping. <3

Did you ever camp or hike along a stream and spend hours moving the rocks around to divert the water in various ways? That was always our favorite thing to do! :)


I did! My older brother and I would do that all the time, sometimes there were crawdads and we would trap them in little rock cages and then show our mom. She would always freak xD

Lol. I was always sure to NEVER freak at all the critters my kids played with/found (especially Jaedin) because I knew then I'd start finding critters in my shoes/bed/face all the time!