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RE: Anniversary, a Suffocation

in #freewrite6 years ago

Hi dear I got goosebumps just reading and I have a inner voice or guiding spirit who is always right I have to listen to it or it goes wrong. So I do and I live with that safe feeling but just like @theycallmedan said I also have the dreams sometimes and I learned to embrace the moment and think about the one that died


I am sitting here crying because of the sufferings of those who dream about their loved ones and have to wake to knowing they are gone. I have been lucky in that way it seems; although I have lost a bunch of people, they haven't visited me in my dreams. To have them torn away again! Embracing the dreams seems like a good strategy, just letting them be with you again and be grateful. Is that possible?

I dont know , it works for me. The biggest fear was also a getting on a plane and crashing, now i think than i crash than its my time that helps me but being scared still is there

I hate flying, but I must. I especially hate it when my kids are in the air. We fly an airline that bought a bunch of those 737 max planes. Very scary!

Me too ever since i have the kids i have that !!!