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RE: Nakba at 70: A Call for Justice
I thought so when I checked out your blog! I can tell you hit the jackpot, she is sharp and compassionate. Apparently you are big into farming. You are far beyond the point that anyone could ever enslave you again.
I knew it. First Israel took his home, then Israel took his legs, then Israel took his life!
I also want to tell you that you have to state sources and tell if you are the one that wrote what you posted or you will get flagged if it is not yours or if you don't tell where the data or information came from.
There are bots that will search your data and come flag you for plagiarism if they find it.
I did this search on your image.
I am not sure who the picture is because there are two men that lost legs that have been killed by Israel the one you state and Ibrahim Abu Thraya.
Indeed, this young man has suffered a most gruesome fate. May God have mercy on his soul.
Thanks for the advice. The image was all over twitter and the name was listed as one of the first casualties by the Palestinian health ministry.
Nice image search, didn't know that site. So what am I supposed to do if there is no clear copyright claim for the image? Should I put a fair use disclaimer at the end of the article? The text is completely my own and I have linked to several sources to back my claims up.
If you just state it is not yours and link where you got it I think that will suffice.
You can quote and use images like any reporter would. You just have to give credit where credit is due.
I followed you as well. We are getting closer to that place of freedom but we still drive to town 2 times a week. I will feel free when we never have to go to town. Or when we only need to go a couple of times a year. Some of our next steps are getting our water well working again so we can have free water. After that we will be installing a stand alone off grid solar system. Then I will feel more free. Until they stop stealing from us through property taxes I will not be free actually. That is the final enslavement we face and want to overcome.
Amen to that! You have already achieved so much toward that elusive goal of true freedom. I applaud you for your determination and perseverance. It is a mighty struggle but we are not alone in it. Property taxes are one of the hardest forms of enslavement to overcome, but together we shall stand victorious in removing us from that ultimate fraud. Free man on the land brother!
You need to join discord!