RE: Is no longer fun to be a freelancer
Great first article and welcome to Steemit! It looks like you've had some really interesting experiences with web development (and quite a bit of struggle, too!). However, I'm glad those things brought you to Steemit as you seem to be a capable writer with interesting stories/information to share.
Be sure to put your articles in the promotion channels in rocket chat to gain visibility (or else you won't get many votes - rocket chat can be found in the upper right hand menu that is three lines. Scroll down to Steemit Chat and look for anything titled "promotion" to post a link to your article).
A good place to start is by looking over the faq here and my introduction to cryptocurrency concepts here.
If you have any questions, feel free to stop by #steemprentice in rocket chat (Steemit Chat) and ask the lovely people there ;).
Thank you so much for your honest feedback and for the kind words.
I fallowed your advice and posted my article to Steemit Chat.
No problem. The community here's really friendly, so if you need any help don't be afraid to holler ;D.
Also, accounts get way more followers after they verify by taking a picture of themselves with a dated, handwritten note that says "Steemit". It's a way of keeping the community honest and will attract better quality upvotes to you. Look under the #introducemyself tag for examples.