The State and the Relationship Market, or How I Got Screwed by Uncle Sam.

in #freedom8 years ago

Everything is a market. If you were an average person, you might squirm at the idea that even relationships revolve around economics. But economics is not just about money. Whenever you engage in relationships, you (if it is a good one) engage in a transactional model of giving and receiving, and if it is worth while, you continue. However, in many cases the male\female dynamics of traditional relationships (since poly, LGBT relationships, and others are not as much of a studied topic, I will leave examination of them for another author), the state create barriers and creates incentives for mischief. If you even look at the divorce rate, children born out of wedlock percentage, the amount of single parents on welfare, and both men and women refusing to marry, you will see economics incentives at play. For men, it makes no sense for them to marry, less they risk all they own if mom is going to stay home with the kids. This further leads to men trying to escape, since the what would be normal responsibility that does take a lot of hard work is further blocked up with legalese up the wazoo. So they escape and fail to take on the normal responsibility they would take on. Then a women, who may or may not work, wants a man with ambition, but lo and behold, in between the disincentive to work and the lack of incentive to pursue what is instinctual to a man, they find a man child that cannot make their way. Is there a better solution for either of them?

For women, I cannot answer that. Perhaps women can date foreign men, but I have my doubts about that. As for men though, many have found solace in prostitution. But that is bad and immoral! So we must ban it, never mind rape goes up and aggression is encourage because we tell both men (and women in some cases) to hold in their urges, even if they have no other release. Other men find solutions in other means, such as the MGTOW community. This does not release the pent up energy men have. So we are left with foreign women. Sounds like a perfect thing, unless she does not have a degree. But what if she has an accredited degree? Sorry, but we will raise the cost so high as to prohibit you from immigrating. So we are left with visiting. What did you say? You need at least 8 months in advance just visit the US? Even with countries you supposedly signed free trade agreements with? What the hell are you smoking?

The last situation is what I am finding myself in. I met a wonderful Colombian women , who not only is a school teacher, but is interested in libertarian thought,home education , learning, and growing in general. For me, being an anarcho-capitalist, this seems perfect. But because of artificial restrictions and if I stay in relatively modest means, I would be likely stuck dating women who will stabbed you in the back, have little intellectual curiosity, and are not truly interested in a 50\50 partnership. But because of these special qualities, I am not giving up and I will just have to return to the drawing board. I really wished she could have visited me in my hometown before I leave it, but I have plans to have a closer relationship, even if it is a little harder. I imagine the Christmas that would have been, if only there was not restrictions on the dating market. But I am trying to take it in stride, and next year I will meet her in Chile, which is comparison to the US is looking freer and freer every day.

Going through this has made me really irritated at the closed border crowd. While there are some people would good intentions (not wanting to increase the welfare state), more often than not I feel people are afraid of the people they don't understand. "But just come here legally, and you won't have to worry about getting in trouble." I hear comments like that all the time, but if they only realized how hard it was to even visit the US, they might sing a different tune. In the name of safety, America as slouched from being the shinning city on a hill, and if you even want a glimpse of the shimmering fakery of what is left of the American Dream, you have to apply almost a year in advance just to even explore things or be close to the one's you love. In comparison to this experience, and despite the scams, I felt a spiritual connection to the Colombian people, despite their flaws, I felt like they were trying to do good. Here Stateside I don't feel that. Perhaps it is the fear, desperation, and depression that is developing. Or perhaps I am just imaging things. Perhaps everything is just fine, and I need to take a Prozac.