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RE: Road To Freedom Part 9

in #freedom7 years ago

I very much appreciate work @adamkokesh
though he should be arrested and jailed dozens of times to defend his beliefs. In writing the FREEDOM!. I belong to one of the millions of people who already were contributions by @adamkokesh
on freedom is the concept of localization as a way to overcome statisme and reach the free world.
We all want to live peacefully.
We all want fair treatment.
We all want to be prosperous.
We all need freedom.
We all need love.
We all suffer under statism in the political thought of making the country as the center of all power. The State is the axis that drives the entire political elements in of a rational tangle, which are strictly controlled by using the instruments of power, hence the country's community has always oppressed and cannot be free to do (indeed a pity)
I will invite my friends to contribute together@adamkokesh and will share with the shout LET'S STRIVE FOR FREEDOM


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