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RE: Is a free society a oxymoron?

in #freedom8 years ago

The ideology is only this complicated, IMO, because the artifice of authority is deliberate subterfuge. Anarchism is the natural order of things and 'historically' (I use that word delicately) humans have survived without any system at all..except when dealing with organized crime ...ehhhm .. mean govern mentalism. Iatrogenisis is when the medicine causes the illness. Or in authoritarian speak..blowback. The so called wild west was not a threat to its environment...being an anarchist means I do not believe that wild is evil bad. People are born neither good or evil ..just like every other living thing. Would you rather have populations controlled by mechanisms? The utopian problem is actually what we have now.


I don't actually want a utopia, it's boring and leads to stagnation, and you can't have a utopia without post scarcity and im pretty sure people are still starving and going homeless all around the world. Nature the "wild" has it's own system, I guess you don't consider it as such because it's not man made. Lastly the poison you speak of would only spread to any "society" that formed on top of it's corps in less the inhabitants built there society without any connection to the past (all the old timers like you and I would have to die or go away). But I would say all that has happened is solely apart of human nature and it would all just start all over after a fashion because the only thing that is controlling humanity is humanity and so we got here by are own collective will. Good or Evil doesn't much play a role in this.

And Im pretty sure sociopaths and psychopaths would still exist in this hypothetical model of "society" and probably would be more of them to boot. I can't really say for sure after all the human animal is a unique creature at least on planet earth. Are scope of action goes beyond what most other animals on this planet do. I think by that definition humanity would be considered unnatural. If you want to paint me a picture of a society built on anarchism and how it would come about that would be grand, as I still have the notion that anarchism is counter to society which isn't bad, it just means it's anti herd which is mostly contrary to what we been doing since people's started the first tribe.

Also toying around with the idea of genetically passed memories but that is another subject entirely.