Robin hood the fighter of taxation

in #freedom4 years ago


Robin hood the fighter of taxation

Robin hood is a childhood hero we all grow up with. With the famous slogan of “giving to the poor and stealing from the rich”.
A lot of movies,games, books and TV series has been created about this legend.
But what people sometimes do not reflect on is that Robin hood is a great way of explaining taxation to kids
a true human hero that stands up for his country men's private property and takes back
the unjust taxation from the state.

The robin hood tale is a simple one about a village being overtaxed on its local business
by a state. Which is something caused by greed and is actively still happening today
in several smaller villages. Causing the part with the most violence to become rich
and leaving the people that provide the true value in the market poor and unhappy.

Here is a cute little video of the pink panther's version of robin hood:

Fighting the sheriff of Nottingham

Fighting the unjust suppressor is something we see in revolution after revolution.
It's not uncommon to fight someone that is causing you pain. It's simply part of being human.
In the modern era we are all just living on earth, we are all just humans.
We are only as free as how our individual mind makes us and its a beauty and its also terrible.
There is a comical short film about a person who releases that he is free and he is
able to do what he wants and take what ever decision he likes.
He then gets so confused with all the emotion and the option that he jumps out the window and kills
him self.


Even the slaves in the fields where singing ballads about heroism.
The robin hood tale takes form in several English ballad's signing about
freedom and happiness.
Even Frédéric Bastiat sang free market songs towards glory and freedom of trade.

Unjust treatments

Unjust treatment by organized violent groups.
In recent history you have the Zapatista which is a group of farmers that was mistreated
by the Mexican state and took up arms and fought back and is now producing some
of the best coffee on earth(but you know, taste is subjective).

Historians has found several people under the name of robin or Robert hood, some people even used the name as an alias to hide their anonymity.
Whenever its just a tale or based on a true story.
Maybe the term roberts men was a common world for
an outlaw and the tale just spun on.
We all just love a person that is fighting for
him/her self.

A person striking for justice, everyone known the system was wrong.

Robin hood is the tale of a man e article about robin hood

"Taxes are the engine of tyranny and are resented and opposed by the people of every century. The legend of Robin Hood appeals because of that; the refusal to accept as legitimate what we all instinctively know is not.

As so much in legends, the historical truth isn't what matters. Instead it is the legendary deeds of Robin Hood that excite us. The man who challenged the state, who dared to take what the rotten government claimed to own, the man who not only did these deeds himself, but also recruited others to help him and in doing so, gained the trust and affection of his people. It’s a legend that will never lose its appeal."
The source is linked down below.

Physiological part of it:

If we want to conspire more because the tales of robin hood
is most likely just made up about a fictional character and someone romanticizing something they where not allow to do because of fear. this behavior is very common.
The majority of people struggle with fear based problems
it's all part of being human and it takes a lot to go far and
beyond but once you have taken the pill and started to prioritize
yourself and see beyond fear its the greatest high of life.
We all struggle against different things in life. And some people
let the bad things take over and it some times ends up by suicide.

Ram dass takes on fear:


“Look at the world today and you see a fear driven social circle” - Ram Dass 1993

While listening to Ram Dass podcast Here and Now
Ep. 159 – Stuck In-Between Stories. He talks a lot
about fear in society some nice things he mentions are:

People collect materialistic power in order to fight of
the anxiety created by their fear and ultimately lead to death
Fear leads to Fanaticism which makes you not being able
to hear anyone else and get caught in a belief system.
And leads to violence. you can see what fear leads to
in the middle east for example
And that gave rise to fundamentalism and conservatism.
You can draw several dots to anarchy, people are afraid of anarchy because they think its chaos, but really its just a philosophy that we should be independent and not be dependent on anyone but our self.

He also mentions:

You have places in the jungle where the people are afraid that an
army will come and kill them that are hired by people with more money.
And in Hollywood you have big signs of private security companies that
say "armed forces are waiting" and the rich is afraid of the poor so it goes both way
The dysfunctional myth is the idea that you can buy privacy through the denial of fear that will allow you to be happy. Think of all vpn companies.

Points to think about:

Some of the most important takes on the robin hood story is that
he did not legitimize theft of capital, he stood up against it.
Because sponsoring theft and violent monopolies is never right.

Atlas Shrugged:
On page 441 she mentions robin hood in atlas shrugged a book by the philosopher ayn rand.

" I seized the boats that sailed under the flag of
the idea which I am fighting: the idea that need is a sacred idol requiring
human sacrifices—that the need of some men is the knife of a guillotine
hanging over others—that all of us must live with our work, our hopes, our
plans, our efforts at the mercy of the moment when that knife will descend
upon us—and that the extent of our ability is the extent of our danger, so
that success will bring our heads down on the block, while failure will give
us the right to pull the cord. This is the horror which Robin Hood
immortalized as an ideal of righteousness. It is said that he fought against
the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but
that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered,
not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender
of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man
who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did
not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay
for the luxury of his pity. He is the man who became the symbol of the idea
that need, not achievement, is the source of rights, that we don't have to
produce, only to want, that the earned does not belong to us, but the
unearned does. He became a justification for every mediocrity who, unable to
make his own living, has demanded the power to dispose of the property of his
betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his inferiors
at the price of robbing his superiors."

Read it yourself at:

Summa summarum

Help your friends out of problem whenever its unjust taxation or whatever. And be the strong freedom loving agorist you deserve to be.
Life is short and we are all going to die soon.

External links: