Going Down the Rabbit Hole

in #freedom7 years ago

If you are somewhat new to the awakening, or even if you are awake; I hope this is of some benefit. This is an outline of sorts, it is by no means all inclusive. I do not claim to know it all. I do not claim to know more than everyone else but, I know what I know!

My awakening began about 15 years ago. It was gradual as I am sure it is for most people. There is just way too much "reality" that it is not possible to suddenly awaken and know everything. I would actively monitor world events because I have always cared. I would notice or see things occasionally that caused me to wonder. So I did what I have always done, I investigated.

Now it does take some time to sort out the crap from the credible. To identify the shills and disinformation agents. If you stay the course you will successfully navigate through this.

Right after 911 which I knew couldn't have happened as reported by the government, I came across the world of Alternative News/Media. As I investigated and researched all that was wrong with that event via the available information at the time, I would see reports or statements that caused me to venture "Down the Rabbit Hole".

Rabbit Hole.png

I am asking no one to believe me. You should never believe anyone just on face. Research, investigate, corroborate and vet all information and all sources. This is the only way to know for sure. Do not however, automatically dismiss anything just because it is either too scary to consider or too difficult to believe! - (Cognitive Dissonance)

I can say with complete assurance that once you go down your first hole, it won't be long until you come across another hole. One that leads you to a different aspect of reality, in a different area. Then as you are researching that one, another appears. On and on and on it goes, you eventually reach the point where it all becomes self evident. It all leads to the same people, the same groups. They control everything, they always have!

Are you ready to take the Red pill?


A word of caution here, this venture requires Courage. You must avail yourself of any 'Cognitive Dissonance'. Once you experience the awakening, you are forever changed. I am very serious and this is not an understatement! You must be advised of this in advance. You have never experienced the shock and the anger that you will ultimately feel once you awaken. Furthermore, you will get very angry once you realize that this is all; 'Hidden in Plain Sight' and being done on purpose!

You must continue down the hole or holes, as unpleasant as it will be at times. Yes, at times it will be very unpleasant. Continue past the initial disbelief and shock. You must keep going.

After the anger and shock, eventually you will achieve a type of awareness, and a sense of being that is very difficult to describe. You will feel very empowered and be in a higher state of awakening... This you will then balance with the reality of all that has and is being done to us.

That conversation in the first Matrix movie where Morpheus says things like; you can see it all around you, you can feel it, is so appropriate to reality.

You will see and understand what is real. Although different then how it was portrayed, a Matrix or many Matrix's exist, one inside the other.

Our entire reality is fake. All of it. We were all born into and raised in a false version of life. This has been centuries old in planning and generations old in implementation. Many people I think have a sense that things are not right without really knowing why or how.

Nothing in this world works the way you think it does, nothing! The cabal has established "Full Spectrum Dominance" in their pursuit of implementing the New World Order. All major events throughout world history were done by design, they were part of the plan.. Nothing happens by chance and there are no coincidences. All major wars, assassinations, most recent weather events, political turbulence, global hegemony, major diseases and the suppression of the natural cures that exist, the build-up of the United States and the dollar as the world reserve currency, etc... have all been by design.

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You will learn who the Rothchild's are. You will learn how their minions; the Rockefeller’s, Morgan s, European Royalty, and many others and their subordinate minions run it all. They do this via the Vatican, the District of Columbia and the City of London; all of which are corporations and sovereign nation states. These (3) run everything! They have accomplished this via their chief instrument of world financial control facilitated primarily through unlawful war and conversion of your identity resulting in the enslavement of humanity.


You have probably heard of the Illuminati and some of the other groups. The Free Masons, the Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relation (CFR) , the Trilateral Commission, the Council of 300, the 13 Families, Opus Dei, Skull & Bones, the Pilgrim Society and many others. You will learn how these families and organizations have infiltrated every government, all aristocracy, every international/world organization and of course the banking industry, throughout millennia. They finance both sides of every war and enslave the losers with a central bank. You will learn how and why Gold and Silver play a very important part in their control and why their value is severely manipulated and suppressed by the cabal.

The path will lead you to the bloodlines, royalty and the heads of state. You will learn how and why all the presidents, prime ministers and most senior government appointees and corporate executives stem from the same bloodlines and are related. You will learn and understand why inbreeding has always occurred in these families. These "people" do not win elections. They are not elected but are selected based on their bloodlines.

You will then learn what they have accomplished. The control and the fraud of every major aspect of society and human existence which includes; banking and financial, religion, military, political, medical and pharmaceutical, education, environment, weather, economic, media, history and law.

You will learn about your Strawman or Legal Fiction which they created and control. You will learn why and how this was established. You will then know your enslavement. You will understand the relevant importance of Legalese & Terms, the Phoenician alphabet and the Etymology of words. When you realize what your standing is under their system it will hit you like a ton of bricks!

You will understand the importance of why your individual Sovereignty is of the highest priority. One can never be truly free, until one achieves this.

You will learn the role the Vatican has played, the fraud and manipulation of your mind , your beliefs and of reality. The luciferianism, the child sacrifices, the ritual sexual abuse and mind control. The responsibility for centuries of horror and murder upon the world. You will come across the Black Pope or Jesuit General, the Babylonian origins, significance of Saturn and how they established of all major religions. The path will eventually take you to Astrotheology.

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You will discover the major international intelligence agencies really do not report to their respective governments. They report to the Vatican. You will learn how Propaganda or Mind Control has been used against you, how it has been long established in the entertainment industries, the military, professional sports and how powerful this is. You will learn about Eugenics (Population Reduction) which is one of their major priorities and how they are achieving this through various methods of "slow kill", which are affecting every aspect of your life to include the products that you use, the medicine you take, the air you breath along with your food and water.

The higher levels of the awakening will then be before you. The origins of humanity, the involvement of the extra terrestrials and or inter-dimensionals, the manipulation of our DNA and the suppression of our evolution. The denial of sophisticated technology, the interplanetary travel, the existence of military bases on the Moon, Mars and Saturn. The repression of consciousness and denial or restriction of access to different dimensions. The existence and awareness of the organic and inorganic (artificial) intelligence's.

You will learn about your frequency, your vibrations, how they are tied in with nature and the earth and how and why they are purposefully destroying it.


You will never really know who and what you are until you discover...who and what you are not!

I live my life each day very frustrated in some ways while also very much empowered. I am aware of so much more which is possible. As I maintain and prepare, it is very difficult at times to continue operating in this false paradigm. It is beyond gut wrenching. Watching the unaware or the "sheeple" doing everything by society's rules, following their programming, freely poisoning themselves unknowingly and having no idea or concept of reality. It is something that burns within me. It burns to the core!

There are good forces at work however. Time will tell if they will be successful in effecting the necessary change. We are however it would seem, dangerously close to the either the point of no return or a complete change in the paradigm. Neither, will be without consequence of massive effect.

So how do you feel?

As for me, I continue on my journey. I have no choice. I am driven by this now. I am not a victim and I am not a slave! I do not consent to any of this. I never have and I never will – Fuck them! I am removing myself from their control, I will resist and I will fight if necessary. Hopefully I can somehow make a difference. Everything else pales in significance!


Sovereign Warrior


All about the synchronicity. We may not all agree on some of the where or why of the matters BUT we all know that we must be responsible and caring in this life.

I took the red pill a long time ago! :)

Stay woke.
Have a follow.

I agree with about 95% of what you say. I too have been on this journey for a very long time. I also have for a long time tried my best to open peoples eyes. Don't know if you have seen this, but it confirms just about everything you are saying . cheers