Why I Let My @txbogey Duct Tape me to a Chair and Zip Tie My Hands

in #freedom8 years ago

I did it so I could test what I was learning in the book: Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life. Make sure to see the damage to my wrists at the end!

What I learned from this is: that I still months later have some lingering nerve damage in my left hand from trying to escape the zip ties. It's just a numb feeling between the knuckles of my index and middle finger. Not serious but annoying.
It's way easier to unlock a zip tie with a bobby pin.

I'll be sure to tell my kidnapper that I'm allergic to the zip ties and that duct tape is far more effective.

Thanks for watching


Most excellent!!! Definitely going to remember this - just in case...

Thank you @silversmyth and resteemed because everyone needs to know how to do this.

Hey @pennsif I appreciate the resteem!! I hope no one ever has to use this but, couldn't hurt to know! : )

Well you got out. That is good. On the zip ties could you have tried same technique as with the duck tape?