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RE: Working For Free - Working For Freedom

in #freedom6 years ago

Oh YES YES YES. It annoys me that people thing travellers asking for money to volunteer is entitled and frivolous.. yes, we do get that dialogue here... when really they are doing FAR more to save tge world than those doing 9 to 5. The very least people could do to ease their conscious is to donate to a cause...

Damn, there has to be DAPP for this.

@nateonsteemit... yes! Dapp that!


Well, that's probably because people don't understand what "traveling" means. Sure, for covering the hostel fees, the evening margaritas, and an occasional ride on a camel, I would not donate a cent! But, as you said, for people who are actually doing the work which our 5-to-9-ers can't do, it's a whole different story. And I believe it is up to us to make this distinction clear: though traveling is a major part, that's not what the trip is about.

I think we have a dapp already. I think steem is the dapp.

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