To people who blindly approve or dismiss information, based on belief

in #freedom5 years ago

Over the years, and especially during this bullshit “fake-ass-demic” period, I’ve been seeing and continue to be seeing a steadily growing number of people questioning what they previously believed they knew, doubting the increasingly desperate and very flawed mainstream “official” narrative. I also have and continue to be seeing an, again, steadily increasing number of people (and entities) who find the strength and courage within them to actually do something about it and overcome either their proverbial or literal demons, in some ways or others.

On the other hand, another thing I see occuring concurrently is that those who want to remain with their heads firmly up their ass are so obsessively adamant on keeping their mental prison and belief system in place, that they squeeze the proverbial sphincter to and beyond the point of asphyxiation.

In this article, as with my previous ones where I criticize and dismantle the typical party-lines from those who blindly make excuses for the slavery system called “government”, I shall provide a number of counter-arguments to some of the more common excuses that people come up with, in their attempt to blindly dismiss “conspiracy theories”. Of course, with barely any of them actually throwing even a speck of a cursory glance at the actual information and claims presented in the conspiracy “theories” they claim to know aaaall about…because they read a mainstream, media-sponsored piece that was specifically written in a typical ridiculing fashion, without tackling any of the points, claims or evidence presented by those of us who actually elaborate on the “theories”, as well as the actual happenings and data.
Now, to be fair, it is important to note that there are frauds and deceivers within the alt-stream media and within the freedom, conspiracy and “truther” movements. How do you more effectively deceive people? By controlling both sides of the argument and, of course, promoting a fake opposition to those who don’t see the bigger picture or who don’t manage to read between the lines to see the more subtle implications. Plus, there are people who may have sussed the system in one way or another (which is good), but have yet to overcome the mental shackles of belief and bias (which have less to do with what claims or information one is referring to, and more to do with an individual’s approach with regards to information and how they develop their discernment).

Both because of those reasons, but much more so because of the passion for “knowledge for the sake of knowledge”, it’s always good to question everything; and I mean EVERYTHING!

Seeing as how I/we are infinite and unlimited consciousness, and in our individual expressions we manifest ourselves in an ostensibly finite form, then unless someone fully and utterly remembers themselves as infinite and unlimited consciousness and potential, to and way beyond the point of omniscience… well, until that point, no one individual is completely right or wrong about everything. Aside from that, it’s infinite and unlimited potential. That means, everything already is and isn’t, simultaneously. In that sense, part of the point of “knowledge for knowledge’s sake” is to distinguish what is or isn’t being manifested in the realities that we’re currently living in, or whichever others we’re talking about. Anyway, that’s a far longer and far more esoteric conversation, the meanings and intricacies of which words alone won’t actually manage to reflect. Plus, even if we would use words to refer to that knowledge, it’d take books, upon books, upon books, upon books and so on, ad infinitum.

So, part of the notion that I’m elaborating upon in this article is: “The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know. The more we question, the more we know… and the more we know, the more we question. Thus, through spirit, intuition, intelligence, etc., we know and comprehend… among other things…”

Which is not an approach you see, when it comes to people who blindly dismiss information, based on an aversion towards the premise of the comfort zone of their mental bubble being popped, or who blindly approve of something based on whether or not it fits their rigidly held belief systems. So, here are some of the typical responses given by those who have such a mentality, along with some of my responses and rebuttals to them.

• “Oh, that’s just a retarded conspiracy theory!”
First off, what is “retarded”? The term etimologically means “held back (from forward progress, evolution or positive change)”. You approving and dismissing information that you know little to nothing about, is through what you hold yourself back from forward progress, in terms of accruing knowledge. Therefore, your approach is the “retarded” one.
If you’re trying to make an assessment of someone else’s intelligence, purely based on whether or not the idea being espoused is popular, or if you like or dislike what you’re hearing, having the approach of “I’M ALWAYS RIGHT! What? You disagree with what I say? You’re stupid! Mad! Bonkers! Nuts!”, then you show that you have little to no comprehension about what intelligence actually is. Therefore, you are unequipped to actually make such an assessment with accuracy.

• “Pfft, conspiracy theories are intellectually lazy! You need to look at what certified experts say!”
Intellectually lazy, huh? So, here we have those of us who look to question everything without bias (which is an essential aspect of what genuine intelligence and open-mindedness are), looking at all perspectives while also coming up with our own, interested in knowledge for its own sake and without giving a shit if we like what we find or not. Those of us who look at both the topics being discussed, as well as meta-stuff, like who funds what, what their agenda is, what their track record shows, who they tend to keep close and why, who benefits from a large swathe of people believing whichever narrative, as well as more esoteric stuff, etcetera. Who read plenty of books, including censored, unpopular or demonized ones. Those of us who cross reference data, use our own intuition and intelligence to discern things on our own. Who let information flow freely, having an approach of “Hey, here’s some information and why I know, comprehend, feel or/and think that this is the most likely thing that’s going on.”, before specifically asking people to question everything, including what we say.

If that is somehow “intellectually lazy”, then the rest of the world is brain-dead by comparison.
In contrast, the ignorant person’s approach is to just blindly believe whatever the “academics” or “official experts” say, in the same manner that a religious person would blindly believe a priest, based on “say so”. Or, at most, maybe they read the first few results that pop up on google (a highly manipulative company with a gobalist agenda, by the way), and call that “research”. Uff, those few minutes of reading an article that supports your bias is hard work, ain’t it? Who’s intellectually lazy, again?

Also, what is an “expert”, when it comes to what the mainstream media generally propagates? Sometimes, it’s someone who actually knows a thing or two about something, but which doesn’t conflict too much with the general agenda that is being pushed. Other times, it’s a relatively “innocent” person who does not know more than what they learned in the mainstream indoctrination system (which, by far, does not cover, and often doesn’t even mention or allude to the deeper and more esoteric aspects of reality and beyond), who may earnestly believe what they’re saying, but who have let themselves deceived and manipulated either way. Compartmentalization is a bitch, until you see it for what it is and overcome it, thus seeing that is was only your own ignorance that held you back.

More often than not, though, a significant enough majority of those who are brought on to the mainstream media as promoted “experts” are those who have been bought and paid for, to promote whatever the dark occultists behind the scenes desire for society.

That’s why there is such a thing as censorship in existence.

• “B-but censorship prevents “fake news” from spreading.”
Utter bullshit. Censorship is nothing more than a euphemism for slavery; specifically mental slavery, through the attempt to keep information from flowing freely.

If you have censorship to any extent whatsoever, you are not living in an honest and open, freedom-oriented society.
If you are honest and confident in your skills and your claims, while also open to the notion of finding out if you’re right or wrong about something, you’ll never look to censor anyone. Why the fuck would you? If you are right, it will be evident (sooner or later) through free discourse and conversation, research, cross-referencing of data, and so on and so forth. If you are wrong, you’ll actually want to know if you are, because if one is wrong about something, acknowledging that is the first step to actually becoming right about it.

On the other hand, if you’re an insecure little bitch who just wants to maintain a belief system, and you’re scared shitless of challenge and being “uncomfortable”, or if you know that what you’re talkin’ is shit, but don’t want others to find out, then that’s all the motivation you need to start becoming a tyrant and try to censor people.

As for “fake news”, you have the most violent, deceitful and disengenuous institutions and companies, like “government”, facebook, quora, forbes, twitter and other censorship machines, who have a vested agenda of propagating a technocratic system of slavery and surveillance, which are also mostly run by abusive pedophiles, human traffickers and satanists (at least at the proverbial “top” of the pyramid)… do you really trust them to tell you what’s real or not? That’s not even mentioning how history, “science”, religion and virtually all facets of our current “society” are more or less manipulated since ancient times.

Think for yourselves and question everything. Make up your own minds.

• “But that’s exactly what we’re doing!”
So, you’re supposedly looking at things from all angles and questioning everything, right?
“Of course!!!”
Then, how about we have an open conversation, where we both put arguments on the table and discuss without bias, about why “covid-19” is more than likely a scam and…
“PFFT!!! That’s just a conspiracy theory! I don’t believe that shit!!”
So much for questioning everything, on your part, then.
Questioning everything means exactly that. Questioning. EVERYTHING!!! Including what you may think or believe you already know. Yes, that includes what I say, as well as what everyone else says.

• “Pfft, nah! Conspiracy theorists just want those 15 minutes of fame! You’re just hungry for attention!”
I find it particularly funny, in the tragic sense, how some people (erroneously) believe that, seeing as how “conspiracies” (or rather the more accurate ones, to be more specific) are often the most censored and obscure topics. The deeper you go into conspiracy research, the more you find that less and less people actually give you attention, in general. I mean, other than ridicule and labeling with empty words, if not misplaced contempt. Not that it matters, though. Doing what is right is to be done for its own sake, no matter what anyone says or thinks about it.

Now, there are those who look to “cash in” on some of that “fame”, who want to go into the conspiracy scene just for “teh lolz” or because they like sensationalism, but those people usually don’t last very long. Both because, since they have no actual interest in knowledge, they eventually get to doing something else, as well as because, guess what… conspiracies generally don’t sell well!

They’re not supposed to. I mean, donating and such is welcome, as money is unfortunately still a thing in this world at this time, but material wealth or popularity is not the purpose of doing this work. It’s supposed to be about doing what is right no matter what, as well as improving our own knowledge and comprehension, along with informing people, so that they would also make their decisions more wisely.

There are, however, some shills or attention seekers within the “conspiracy movement”, as well as those that fall into specific “divide & conquer” traps, such as “round earthers vs. flat earthers” for example. Just like how in the mainstream there is the bullshit “war” between the sexes, whites vs. blacks, straight vs. LGBTQ-SIJNNAUINUSHDIUHAWIUDH or whatever, rich vs. poor, left vs. right and all those other fake divisions meant to artificially turn people against each other, for easier manipulation.

• “Pfft! You’re a tinfoil hat wearing psycho! Go kill yourself, fucko! I went to college!”
And, of course, the ridicule. The indispensable tool of morons, through which they asininely lash out against anyone who challenges their cult beliefs system. An approach that is no different whatsoever to that of a zealous believer in the middle ages, who barks incessantly at those they disagree with, while at the same time erroneously believing it somehow means they are “right”, and then claim to be “scientific”.

All while going through, and unfortunately succumbing to a gauntlet of obsessive repetition, trauma, artificial competition, debt slavery and blind regurgitation of “prayers” to the system, whenceupon the believers are tested for how well they memorized the scripture. I am, of course, talking about the part-time prison and full-time indoctrination system known as “academia”.

A system beyond which there are many who rise, like many genuine scientists, doctors, journalists and so on, who speak out against the system and realize how much of a fraud it is. People who you’ll rarely hear about in the mainstream, for reasons that the system, along with its devout slaves and slavers are scared shitless of having their narrative shaken by actual information. It doesn’t take much to dismantle the “official” narrative of virtually everything; and that’s one of the main reasons why they push censorship so obsessively.

• “Uh, um… oh, conspiracy theorists are paranoid and propagate fear!”
What is paranoia? It is an obsession with fear. If fear is not a factor in how one makes their decisions and derives their discernments, or better yet, if there is no fear to begin with, then it’s not paranoia.
If you say “Uh, I’m being targeted! Someone’s always watching! Aaaah!” out of an obsessive compulsion, without actually looking to discern if that is or isn’t the case, then yeah, that’s paranoia. Likewise, if you say “Nah, everything is fine and dandy!” because you’re scared shitless of finding out that things may not be as rosey as you want to believe, or you’re afraid of life-long beliefs being shattered, then that is also paranoia.

The point is to question everything and make our discernments without fear and without bias. If things actually are “fine and dandy”, then fine. We’re up for acknoledging that. If things are shit, then we’re also up for acknowledging that. In order to make either of those discernments, as well as expanding our awareness in general, the point is to honestly assess ALL information, and come to our own discernments; I reiterate, question everything.

The quality, accuracy and traits of information don’t change with opinion or belief. They change with consciousness and such, but not with opinion or belief, and obviously not with “popularity” or anything of the sort.

What I also find particularly amusing (again, in the negative sense) is that some people still say that “conspiracy theorists” are the ones who try to engage in division and fear-mongering, when in actuality we’re the ones who are most open to conversation and debate with everyone, constantly advise people to not fear anything and to take up personal responsibility, as well as to consciously turn their lives around for the better. But, it seems that everything that shakes the ego and motivates one to get off their greasy ass, is gonna seem like “propaganda” and “division” to those who are utterly addicted to the artificial division and conflict inside their own minds.

There is only ONE actual division between all living beings (and even that separation is illusory), and that is between those who love freedom and those who support slavery.

If people just take a cursory glance into the “conspiracy scene” and then see either the sellout shills, the hand-picked disinformants and fake dividers or the attention seekers, and that’s all they look at… no wonder they’re gonna have a skewed perspective.

It’s kinda like seeing a black thug, and then erroneously believing that “All black people are violent thugs! Fuck ‘dem niggas!” Or like looking at white, rich and greedy corporate white people, and saying “Dem pale-ass motherfuckers are all like dat, yo!” (Not that there aren’t people of all races both rich and poor, but you get the point.)
Guess what? There are both good and bad individuals of any race. White, black, asian, gypsy, indian, human, non-human and whatever else. I don’t care about your race, background, income, sexuality or anything else of the sort, when it comes to judging you. I’m going to both appreciate and criticize, respect and berate you, on account of who YOU are, as an individual, as well as what you DO and support.

• “But, the mainstream wouldn’t lie! At least, not this big! Not about [insert topic here]!”
Oh-ho, not only would they, but they constantly do it. The bigger the deceit and the more sensational it is, the more gullible people are going to believe it, in part precisely because they think they wouldn’t lie so big. Just look at what they censor and ridicule. More often than not, that’s going to be closer to what’s actually going on. Research without bias, and you’ll see that that’s most often the case.

We are literally in a society, the trends and direction of which are planned by psychopaths and pedophiles, along with other human and non-human parasites, usually carried out by the gullible, unsuspecting and ridigly skeptical parts of the population. The mainstream media is more or less entirely owned by a handful of companies, who spout virtually the same narrative to all countries, with slight variations and different forms of fake opposition, varying by location. In the more recent planned “crisis”, no mainstream outlet (that I’ve seen so far) is touching upon the very likely link between 5G and the “covid-19” so-called “virus” (not about the health issues and concerns about EMFs in general), nor why the masks and “social distancing” are completely and utterly useless for their “officially” advertised purpose (while also being detrimental to health and are basically an element of a larger psyop to try and get people to dehumanize themselves), and especially not about why “government” is slavery by design, while doing nothing more than helping to deceive people towards sabotaging their own psychology and immune system, through malice and fear mongering, trauma, social engineering and mind-“control”; along with other means.

I mean, you’re breathing in plastic particles, providing a more suitable environment around half your face for bacteria to breed and multiply, reducing the amount of oxygen intake while increasing CO2 intake (a life-gas which is good, as part of the whole flora-fauna ecosystem in our world, but not so much for humans to be breathing in excess), through means of a mask that is not only not meant to protect the wearer, but rather the pacient by preventing sneezing, coughing, drool and spit from entering the sterile environment of an operation area, but also the fibers of which are not nearly dense enough to stop a microscopic organism such as a pathogen from entering or exiting through it. It’s like building a steel pole fence to prevent a flee from entering your garden. It’s a scam, meant to psychologically manipulate people into being more and more scared and gullible, so that they more desperately accept, in ignorance, a technocratic nanny “state” and “global government”.

Oh, but the masks are supposed to stop infected and sick people from spreading the (likely inexistent) “virus”, right? No. See, if a “virus” can enter through the mask from the outside, what’s stopping it from exiting from the inside? Nothing. Oh, the “pathogen” detaches from the spit particles upon contact with the air, and that supposedly is why masks “work”? Last time I checked, air is still what you’re exhaling and what you’re breathing in through the face diaper, so what exactly is preventing the “virus” detach from the spit, again?

Aside from all that, “virus” is just a label used for a gross (and deliberate, for those in the know) interpretation of how nature and the human anatomy function. Research exosomes, naturopathy, how we create our reality through what we think, feel and do, along with other more esoteric stuff. As for the specifics of “viruses” and why they’re either not a thing at all, or at least are a completely misinterpreted view of nature, here’s a starter:

“Oh, but it reduces the amount of an infecting agent, so less of the virus goes around.”
Um… did you not hear that the thing is not dense enough to prevent a “virus” from passing through it? If you have a thousand flees or flies instead of one, do you think they’re gonna have that much more trouble getting past the fence? Don’t just believe me or anyone else, though. How about you instead investigate independently and without bias, rather than just trying to come up with excuses for maintaining your belief system?

Likewise with the “social distancing”. “Viruses” supposedly travel by air, right? For hundreds of feet/meters, if not miles/kilometers (varying by “pathogen”). Do you think standing a few feet apart is going to count for shit, in case of a so-called “pandemic”? If they say the “social distancing” and the masks were “successful”, it’s utter bullshit. A natural pandemic, if there even are “viruses” to begin with, doesn’t have a political agenda. It’s not going to spread or stop spreading any more or less, based on whenever it’s convenient for “government”, “big tech” or “big pharma” cartels to try and push their agendas.

Now, not all conspiracy “theories” are accurate. Some may be entirely wrong, others are partially right, while others are more or less spot on. Whatever the case, conspiracies are a part of this world, both for better (like “conspiring” to make someone a good surprise or play a non-harmful prank) and worse, as with the bullshit direction that our world is planned to be heading, but obviously won’t if people don’t fall for the bulshit plots and ploys, and actually inform themselves and take action in whatever way they genuinely realize it’s right and moral to do, and not whatever impressions or beliefs that someone else has tried to spoon feed them.

We are to always be ourselves, no matter what. Always growing, always evolving, learning and remembering, knowing and comprehending, among other things…

Nobody and nothing has a higher claim to our lives than we do.

There can be no “chosen” ones. Only we can save ourselves, and only we are responsible for doing so.

Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.

I/we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

What we choose to manifest is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.