Do What Works For You

in #freedom7 years ago

I came to Steemit and DTube because I was being censored on other platforms. Well, two of my DTube videos are now hidden because of low ratings, and it's because a transgender woman doesn't like my views on transgenderism. This transgendered person called me names and accused me of hate speech.
I apologized, referring to her over and over as a woman, which was what I thought she was from her picture. She then told me that she was transgender. She doesn't understand why that's deceitful. I don't understand why someone who wants to be accepted as a woman would tell me she's a man. Now, I don't know if she wants me to accept her as a transgender woman or as a woman. If it doesn't matter, why would she tell me she was trans after I referred to her as a woman over and over again? This is part of the confusion for me.
This is a great platform. But, when someone can have my videos hidden because they disagree with what I'm saying, that's worse than censorship by the government. This person wants rights, but wants to infringe upon my First Amendment rights.
I stand by what I believe in. I think it's wrong, transgenderism. I may use the wrong tone or words sometimes, I also get goofy and "cut," or make jokes, but I'm human and I make mistakes. I am open to correction, but I'm not willing to be chastised by people about everything I say.
I also understand libel, seditious libel and slander very well. I am a university educated journalist. My opinion may be harsh and against the norm, but I haven't broken any laws.
I must admit, this is getting a little scary. People can go around proudly boasting about what they believe in, but if I stand by my morals and say it's wrong, I'm accused of hate speech and censored. Good Morning, America!
This is a really amazing platform ... if people "like" you.
Treading lightly.



What are you attempting with your posts?

What do you mean? Hi.

I hate that it seems as if I'm attempting something. I don't understand the question.

I'm a little busy at the moment with some assessment, so I can't give as lengthy response right now, but what I'm asking is what bought you here? What's your reason for joining the community? What qualities do you bring, so spoke of wanting to escape censorship.

Okay. I think I get it.
I came here last year thinking I wouldn't be censored. I was expressing that although the platform works for many people, it doesn't seem to be working for me because I'm still being censored. I was "attempting" to express this. I'm not asking for a lengthy response. What brought me here? Clicking.

I don't feel like I need to explain this to you. I'm here because I have a right to be here. I'm not asking why you're here. It's none of my business. But why are you on me? Why do you care so much? You don't even have to answer, but really. I don't know who you people think I am, but you need to find another person to harass. I'm not the one. Please go away. I didn't ask you anything or say anything to you. You're a little busy? I didn't ask you for help though. And my post was clearly me expressing my thoughts. Is everyone in America going to come and check me? WTF!