Legitimate function of coercion? Collectivism vs Individualism.

in #freedom7 years ago

I recently watched a lecture by G Edward Griffin and wanted to provide a quick summary and links to 2 videos. The second video I found interesting because it was filmed in 1968 and provides some perspective as to who G Edward Griffin is. He has opposed the Federal Reserve since the 1960s, saying it constitutes a banking cartel and an instrument of war and totalitarianism. Griffin presented his views on the U.S. money system in his 1993 movie and 1994 book on the Federal Reserve System, The Creature from Jekyll Island. I have not read this book yet, but it has been recommended by multiple people in the decentralization movement and is on my reading list. Below are the 7 points he makes about the similarities common to fascist, communist, and socialist ideologies. From his perspective there is no substantial difference between these ideologies and they are for all practical purposes one in the same.

  1. The origin of human rights. Are human rights granted by the state, or are they inherent to the individual upon birth?

  2. Which is supreme the group or the individual? Does a group have the authority to take away the rights of an individual?

  3. Should individuals be forced to submit to the will of the collective or should they be encouraged to act in way that is viewed as "good"?

  4. Should individuals have the right to private property or should property be controlled by the state?

  5. Money without coercion. Should individuals have freedom to choose what they use as money or be forced through legal tender laws to use federal reserve notes?

  6. Should people be treated equally or unequally under the law?

  7. Is the proper function of the state to defend the rights of life, liberty and property or to assume control of life, liberty and property?

These are the questions G Edward Griffin asks in his lecture on Collectivism vs Individualism. Over the past 50 years in the western world I think we have seen the pendulum swing steadily towards an increasingly collectivist ideological system. The question I have is at what point does it begin to swing back in the other direction? I'm sure that there are many opinions as to where we are now collectively on the arc of the pendulum, but a more relevant question for me is where am I?

Collectivism vs Individualism

The Grand Design

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G. Edward Griffin is a genius! He wrote "The Creature From Jekyl Island" about the nefarious dealings surrounding the birth of the Federal Reserve. Very smart dude!

Yea man I've been wanting to pick up a copy of his book, but haven't gotten around to it. I've been reading Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs. This topic is absolutely fascinating. Thanks for the reply.

Jim Marrs also has a great one called "Crossfire, the plot that killed Kennedy". The movie JFK used it as a basis for many of the facts in the movie.