Sovereign is not a Dirty Word!

in #freedom7 years ago

Sovereign is not a Dirty Word!

On our travels, we meet a wide variety of characters. Some are receptive to our message - others are completely on board with what we're putting down on the table. But there are a handful that raise an eyebrow when we mention our mission. Perhaps it’s the way we say it, with an abundance of love which is lacking in the mainstream culture. Maybe it’s our willingness to express our authentic selves, even if that means wearing some of the morning’s beet juice on our faces as a statement about make-up. Regardless, it is obvious that some people are not on the same wavelength as us.

Of all the dialogue we have with the people we meet, mentioning the word “sovereign” or “sovereignty” gets some of the most negative responses. It really feels incongruent with what we are speaking for. There are times when we are talking about permaculture, healthier eating, and sustainable living, where the people we are speaking to are nodding along with us in complete agreement. But, as soon as we mention sovereignty, we can see the government programming of the cultural operating system kick in, gracefully installed by the media.

Sovereignty does not mean rebelling against the government. Being sovereign means having power and control of one’s life; to choose the life we want for ourselves. We can’t be that when we are wholly dependent on the government, or any body other than the self. It means being able to provide for yourself and your family. It means knowing what you're eating and bringing into your home, and having a plan in the event that something unpredictable were to happen.

Animals are sovereign creatures. The first peoples were completely sovereign. It is only relatively recently in the Earth's history that life became helplessly dependent on the guidance of authority like a child is dependent on their parents. Certainly, all life is dependent on each other to survive and thrive in the forces of nature. However, no other form of life willingly accepts a lesser form of existence like our species does while retaining their ability to act differently. The majority of humanity has accepted a lifestyle where they are the pawns in some greater picture, and their perceived options are to toe the line or fall off and be abandoned.

As mentioned, the media plays a huge role on this. If you repeat an idea loud and long enough, it becomes the background noise in everybodies heads. It does not take not for these ideas to become rooted in the culture, to then be reinforced by the people who have heard the message.

There’s a thought experiment about five monkeys in captivity. A banana is suspended from the ceiling above a ladder. Any time any of the monkeys goes to get the banana, all of them are sprayed with ice-cold water. This conditions them to not try and go for the banana. The monkeys are then replaced, one by one. As each new monkey goes for the banana, not knowing about the icy This makes the monkeys all try to fight the new monkey going for the banana. Eventually, there are no monkeys who have been sprayed by ice-cold water, but yet they will not try to go after the banana. Why? Their cultural programming prevents them from making that choice!

In the original Star Trek, there is an episode titled “The Return of the Archons.” This episode explores a similar concept, with a planet of people being mind-controlled to exist as a singular lifeform, referred to as The Body. That’s really all social engineering is.Once an idea is implanted into the general consciousness, the dominant culture will actively fight to sustain itself, without acknowledging this behavior as odd.

We want to show people that there are alternative ways to do things than they are used to. We want people to live the best lives they can, and they can't do that if they believe the lies the government controls the population with. People are divine creatures, and we can only activate our highest potential when we are in control of our lives. This can only happen when we are fully conscious, grow our agency, and take responsibility for our lives and the impact our choices have.

This is what sovereignty is. When everyone is sovereign and connected to the oneness of life, everyone is free. Look at the world. It’s a miracle. Yes, it is a mess, but even as short-sighted as our culture is, we have achieved this much. What would be possible if we were more conscious and more in-tune with our full potential? Not even the sky is the limit: we could be spreading love to the universe, building new, beautiful worlds together.

Constitution Image Source

Monkey Image Source

Star Trek Image Source

Love Cycle is a nonprofit that creates and supports projects and lifestyles in alignment with unconditional love for the planet and all beings. A collective of OUTside the box solutionaries that recycle TRAsh into eARTh in order to bring paradise on eARTh! Everyday brings us an opportunity to Rise our Eco, and Heal the Ego. It takes a tribe to create paradise on eARTh!

As a commUNITY we thrive by adopting organic systems and lifestyles that flow abundance and sustainability. This consists of simple daily actions like recycling and reusing every piece of eARTh as a piece of heART.

We partner with like minded humanitarian organizations, ecovillages, and cooperative businesses to support and activate communities, providing them with regenerative resources and lots of love!

Our projects feature organic food support and distribution, support for local farmers, natural medicine, ecological clean-up walks, yoga, sustainable arts and crafts, educational workshops, event organization, and so much more!

Visit our website to learn more!

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Most importantly, THANK YOU! We have so much gratitude for all the beautiful souls that support us. Namaste! \o/\O/\o/


Thank you for writing this!
+1 for sovereignty!
This is what I cover in my nightly Sovereign Starcast!!!