in #freedom7 years ago

Jean Keating and Jack Smith
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Phone Conversation: April 2006

Jack: You have this UBS Bank Inc in Puerto Rico and that is where the trust funds are that are funneling everything?

Jean: Yes. That is where everything is going through the United Bank of Switzerland which is owned by Paul Warburgh, which is part of Cornell Corrections. I mean the whole prison system is going"see what they did is took Dylan Venture which merged with Cornell Corrections, they formed Dylan Reed Venture and then they merged with UBS which is the investment arm of UBS of London and UBS of Switzerland. And then set themselves up as an investment company out of Puerto Rico. So what they are doing is"Cornell corrections is merged with UBS out of Chicago. See they have branches in Chicago, London England, and Switzerland. That is where their main office is. But the investment arms are in Chicago and London England. And they own Cornell Corrections which is running your prison system. One of the big companies of the GEO Group. And GEO is the Greek word for global or world. So GEO Inc is owned by Wackenhut. TWC means The Wackenhut Corporation. This formed the GEO Group. They have correctional facilities all over the world. It is unbelievable.

Jack: How does that investment group get involved that you said was down in Puerto Rico?

Jean: Well what the are doing is setting up these trust funds"and all this revenue… Do you know that nobody that lives in Puerto Rico pays any Federal Income Tax?

Jack: That is what you told me the other day. And that has to be because these people are acting as creditors out of the territory of Puerto Rico. So everybody else is alien and foreign to Puerto Rico, so they are paying the taxes to keep Puerto Rico afloat.

Jean: Sure. So what they do is they tell you right on their website"the USB website, is that if you are not resident in Puerto Rico, you cannot get the tax transparency or the tax breaks you get for being a resident. You have to be resident in Puerto Rico. So what I’m doing is I drew up a UCC-1 off their website. I set up a trust fund. I named it, and I put my bond there as the trust fund. I’m setting it up with the Secretary of the Treasury. Using their address. I’m putting it on a UCC-1 and I am actually setting up an account with the Secretary of the Treasury 'Puerto Rico'.

       Here is another thing. I’m sending the form in, the UCC-1, to the Secretary of State 'Puerto Rico', but the Postal Money Order is made out to the Secretary of the Treasury 'Puerto Rico'. What is the Secretary of Treasury doing taking the money from the Secretary of State? What it looks like is that the Secretary of the Treasury is the Secretary of State. Cause that is where all your money is going. So what they did is they set up--- if you read §1321 of Title 31 of the U.S.C., all these trust funds. They set up the internal revenue from the Philippine Trust Fund, which is Trust Fund Number 2. It is Special Revenue Trust Fund Number 2. Then Number 62 is Special Internal Revenue Trust Fund Number 62. So they are collecting all these taxes here from people in the United States and they are going into these trust funds. I will bet you anything you want to bet me that they are connected with UBS of Switzerland which is the largest bank in the world. And the BIS 'Bank of International Settlements' and the UBS are working together. Both are located in Switzerland. One is the Bank of International Settlements and the other is the Bank of Switzerland.

       BIS is the bank that is connected to ANNA which has the annual numbering numerical association. They give this CUSIP to all these commodities and securities. So what they are doing is running all the commodities--- and everyone of these"GEO has a ticker symbol on the American Stock Exchange. And GEO owns all your correctional facilities. They are all being umbrella under this GEO which is owned by Wackenhut and UBS and Cornell Corrections. So they are selling commodities and securities through the prison systems. I think what they are doing is they are selling these contracts using the bid bond, the performance bond, and the payment bond, and they are selling all these commodities and securities. They sell off shares -they create shares off these bonds that thy get from the criminal cases. They are creating interest- just like they are doing with the mortgages.

       What they did is they set up a "REIT" a Real Estate Investment Trust. All that is is a tax transfer. The CCA 'Correctional Corporation of America' in 1993 changed their name to REIT. They are actually a prison investment trust. CCA owns all these prisons. And all the shares and stock are owned by Paine Webber. Why are they changing their name to Real Estate Investment Trusts?

Jack: Because a body is nothing more than the dust of the ground. So a body is portable real estate. Since a man’s body is real estate, why shouldn’t a prison system which stores bodies be areal estate investment trust?

Jean: So what they are actually doing is using the prisoners as a surety for all these bonds. Where ever you have a bond, you need to have a surety and re-insurance. That is why they have all these certified re-insuring companies on the Secretary of the Treasury’s website.

       Now we have established without a doubt what William Cooper and Benson did all the research. They pretty well established that the Secretary of the Treasury is the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. Because they did away with the United States Treasury in 1920. I have all the legislation in which they did that.

       If the Secretary of the Treasury is in Puerto Rico, and UBS is in Puerto Rico, and BIS is in Puerto Rico, and they merged with Paine Webber in 2002, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. Everything is being run through Puerto Rico. Nobody pays any Federal Taxes because of the tax transparency, because what they do is set up these investment trusts and they are running everything through these trusts on the in sourcing and the out sourcing side. They are not paying any income tax. So you have a tax write off. So that means that someone else is paying the tax.

       So now take that and apply it. Remember I told you that the mortgage payments that are paid out on these mortgage loans goes to the holders of the mortgage securities and commodities 'not to pay the notes'? Now just take that and apply it to all of this revenue that they are collecting that is going through the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. And Ben Houck has pretty well established this with the §6201 Decoding Manual. It shows that everybody 'with an income tax problem' is 'shown by their Master File to be in' in a revenue taxable activity.

       So what they are doing is collecting all this money and putting it in a trust fund and then they pay off the interest to the holders of the securities and the bonds. The bond holder"in other words the people that have an account with Puerto Rico. So what I am doing is setting up an account in Puerto Rico. If I have an account set up in Puerto Rico with the Secretary, aren’t I resident in Puerto Rico?

Jack: You should be.

Jean: Now do I have a tax transparency? Is my exemption in Puerto Rico by being resident in Puerto Rico? There is your answer.

Jack: Have you written the Treasury in Puerto Rico?

Jean: Yes. I have spent a whole week writing the documents. I called up the director of the UCC division in the Secretary of State’s office in Puerto Rico. Her name in Mendez. In fact I got an e-mail from her. See gave me the fee and the mailing address. So I went down to the post office and sent that out. What I did is I redid the Security Agreement so that everything id filed in Puerto Rico. I took all these court documents 'from my probation violation criminal court case'. I took all of these bonds.

       Here is another thing you should be aware of. I think you possibly are aware of it, or maybe not. But I am going to bring it to your attention anyway.

       When Karl went down there--- This is what happens when people don’t read this documents before they sign them, He went to a bonding company named American Insurance Liabilities. They are owned by the American Banking Association of Florida. They are one of the biggest financial conglomerance in the world. The bond was for $31,000.00. They gave it to him for $5,000.00 to cover my release from jail under a $31,000.00 bond.

       When they issued the bond to him for $5,000.00 cash, and he signed for it, he had to sign a cognovits note for $31,000.00. This is a confessed judgment. So what you are doing is actually signing a confessed judgment that you owe $31,000 to them. Now if you do not redeem the bond, guess what happens?

Jack: It goes into court for collection since it is already confessed.

Jean: Yeah! You have already admitted that you owe it. What they are doing with these court bonds is they are taking them and if you don’t redeem them--- what I did is I took the bond, recopied them all, did an original signature on them, got the signatures certified to a Notary, got everything certified, set up an account in Puerto Rico 'with the Secretary of State by way of a UCC-1', registered all this, I did acceptance for value on all these things- on the cognovits note and bond, and I put them all on a UCC-1 as collateral. With me as the secured party and the account 'with the strawman' as the debtor. Then I registered it with the Secretary of State, and when I get it back I am going to send it to the Secretary of the Treasury 'second public witness'.

       What I am going to do is to write checks on it. Get them cleared through there.

       I think what is happening is that red number on the back of the Social Security Card is the Bond Number. And I think that that Bond Number is in Puerto Rico. And I think that that is where the Account is set up because the Secretary of Treasury is in Puerto Rico. Not in Washington D.C.

       I have heard at least a half dozen people tell me that the Internal Revenue Service told them and the Treasury Department--- in fact the FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service told dozen’s of people I have talked to that if they sent it to the right person, they could be cleared. They could clear them.

Jack: Interesting. So the right person has presumably got to be out of Puerto Rico. I heard that I think it was Schrout who said on a Monday Night Radio Program with Pastor Massad"He came out and said there was a guy who had like a tax liability- or something like that. Some kind of a public liability or debt. And he sent an instruction to the Secretary of Treasury in Puerto Rico to settle and close it. And when two weeks went by, he got something like a receipt. And it was not thru the court system. But the judge closed the case, and said that it was closed. This was a criminal case. And the judge said something like the guy 'named in the criminal case' was at liberty. The guy said all he did was to write a letter to the Secretary of Treasury in Puerto Rico and told him to settle and close that case based on the fact that he had done his UCC’s.

Jean: Yeah! There is your trustee in bankruptcy.

Jack: Do you have any paperwork on what you did that you can share with me?

Jean: I spent a whole week on papers. The form is on their website 'Secretary of State for Puerto Rico'. But it is in Spanish. You can’t type on the form. So what I did was a paste. What I actually did was type out the stuff on a sheet of paper and I cut it out. Then copied it onto the form. I shrunk everything done so I could fit everything into there. I listed this bond with the bond number, the company, the amount of the bond, said it was a confessed judgment. I put everything down there as collateral which means that I have a lien interest thereon. I listed myself as the secured party. The creditor. And also as the grantor on the account. I’m setting up a Trust Account. So since it was a Trust Account, I signed the debtor as the grantor"my name as the grantor. And I signed my other name as the Secured Party.

       So I sent this in with all the collateral stuff in there- every document that Karl signed is in there as collateral. I think what happens as soon as you do this is they notify them. If they are running this stuff through Puerto Rico, they are using your Bond Number 'red number on the back of the Social Security Card' as your exemption number. What I did is I set up the Secured Party as"I put the trust number down 'Social Security Number' and then I put this bond number down 'red number on the back of the SS Card', and I said this is my Trust Account. Actually what I am doing is using my bond, which they give you for the trade off- since you are the creditor, they are borrowing all this debt from you- they are giving you the exemption for all the taxes since you are the principal-- which is the "return to them" to close the account on the private side.

       What I am doing is setting up an account with the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, since he is the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and the Trustee. So he has- he can clear all this stuff for me. So what I am going to do, as soon as I get this back 'from the UCC filing with the Secretary of State of Puerto Rico', I am going to start writing IBOE’s on it. All my debts are going to go through Puerto Rico.

       I went up to Michigan and taught a class on this. Just recently. What I did is I down loaded the CAFR report for September 23 of 2004. It is about 219 pages. It tells you where all the money is. It is the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. It is in Puerto Rico. The CAFR on the Department of Treasury in Puerto Rico.

       Do you know what a JABBA'?' electronic decoding is?

Jack: No.

Jean: They are setting up these accounts in Puerto Rico and they are running them in decoded language so that you can’t decipher them. This report says that you are not even supposed to reproduce it. But they have it published on the internet. I went into the internet and started reading it and down loaded it. I showed it to these people in Michigan at the seminar. All their money is going through UBS - the United Bank of Switzerland. I think what they are doing is they are selling all the interested shares off of your accounts- I mean al the taxes that you are pay in are going to the holders of the securities and bonds which are set up in Puerto Rico so they do not have to pay any taxes. All the money you are paying in taxes are being paid as interest on shares off of the dividends off of these commodities and securities- the securities and bonds 'that they sell to settle your account when you do not use your exemption'.

So they are setting up these court bonds and they are setting up these accounts down there- and all the fines that the courts are collecting- all the money they are collecting is just like a mortgage. It is the same thing as a mortgage. What they are doing- if you read this cognovits note, it is a mortgage. A confession of judgment mortgage. They get you to waive presentment, protest, and notice of dishonor. What is that? That is a confessed judgment. Same thing as a mortgage note.

We have a guy that videoed the whole seminar in Michigan. Videos should be available. I showed everything on the screen at the seminar. The seminar was around Detroit Michigan. There were about 65 people there.

I told them that I think the remedy is in Puerto Rico. I think they are running everything through Puerto Rico.

Jack: It has to be run through a Federal Territory. They can’t do it under the Constitution within the states.

Jean: Yeah! It is the commonwealth. The commonwealth of the United States. They are giving them grants. In the CAFR they talk about the $435 billion in grants went to Puerto Rico from the United States. Where did they get that money from? In other words they are sending the tax money to Puerto Rico. Everyone is setting up an "account" I mean this is the financial hub of the entire United States. They are funneling all of this through trust funds.

       If you look in 1321, all of your trust funds are in Puerto Rico. The two major ones- they took the bureau of Internal Revenue and moved it to the Philippines, and the Internal Revenue Service is in Puerto Rico. What you have is the bureau in the Philippines collecting money through the trust fund #2, and then you have the Internal Revenue Service- Trust Number 62.

       Now, in my case, if I go back in and replead in my case, they will do a resentencing. And they will put me on post sentencing release probation again as part of the sentencing. Then it will be in the sentencing in court. Whereas if I leave it as a "not guilty" plea, they have to throw the case out because the charges that are pending are predicated on "escape" which are predicated on my being on "post release control" which I never was on "post release control" because they had not disclosed that to me verbally in the sentencing hearing. In other words the whole thing goes to jurisdiction. They can’t put me on post-release control since they did not disclose it to me in sentencing, and they cannot then charge me with escape. This is my defense attorney’s position.


Jean: The Philippine Islands. The Bureau of Internal Revenue is the Internal Revenue Service.

       You have 2 commissioners of the Internal Revenue Service. One’s name is Juan Binack(?), and the other one is Mark Everson who is in Washington D.C.

The Bureau of Internal Revenue Service is in the Philippine Islands. And the Commissioner there is the one who is filing all these returns since you did not file them. So he filed it for you to create the tax liability in the Philippine Islands under the Revised Revenue Act of 1988.

Here is something else. In 1947, they appointed the United States Attorney General as the Alien Property Custodian under the Trading with the Enemy Act. As you know, they took Section 5(B) of the Trading with the Enemy Act and they amended Section 2 of the Emergency Bank Act of March 9, 1933. And all citizens of the United States which were excluded under the original Trading with the Enemy Act were now made the enemy.

       O.K. So here is what happened. In 1947 they made the U.S. Attorney General the Alien Property Custodian. In 1966, I have the Executive Order in which they did that, they did away with the Office of the Alien Property Custodian and thy appointed… They moved all the other functions over to the Department of the Treasury in Puerto Rico. So the Alien Property Custodian is the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico.

Here is something else that no one in the Patriot Community knows.

In the early 1900’s when they were establishing the Philippine Islands, the Department of the Treasury drew up a Department, because of the wars- World War 1 and 2- They drew up a department called a Department of Contract Settlements. And what they did is they took the Department of the Contract Settlements which is a separate Department from the Treasury, they moved it over and put it under the Department of the treasury. And then what they did is they did away with the Department as a separate entity. So now the Secretary of the Treasury is not only the Alien Property Custodian, but he is the head of the Department of Contract Settlements.

When you get into Social Security, you have a contract. This is the guy who does the contract settlements.

Winston Schrout sent me the paper work. But something went wrong with one of my hard drives 'on the computer', and we are trying to figure out what is wrong. I cannot get any information off my computer.

What Winston did is he sent me the letter that they sent. Now I am going to add some stuff to that about the Alien Property Custodian because he does not mention that. What Winston did is he sent me a copy of the Certified Letter sent by a John Smith in Oregon and a guy in Arizona. They both sent in letters- like a Letter Rogatory. What they asked the Secretary of Treasury of Puerto Rico to do was to do a set off on their cases respectively. And they did a 521 Termination Statement of the Application. And then they sent a Certified Copy of the Birth Certificate. I talked to Winston about this.

I told him what I had done. I sent in a UCC-1 with a Security Agreement. You guys need to do a Security Agreement. And there are 2 reasons for that. It is the Security Agreement that gives you the perfected security interest, not the UCC-1.

And you need 2 bonds. You need a Fidelity Bond and you need an Indemnification Bond.

What I did is I got the Debtor- which is a trust fund. What they are really doing is bringing a claim against the trust fund. That is why they forfeit the benefits when they put you in prison. That is why they stop your Social Security benefits. Because what they are actually doing is--- everything is a trust fund. And all of your trust funds- and I mean ALL of them are in Puerto Rico.

The Philippine Trust Fund- which is the special Internal Revenue Trust Fund is in Puerto Rice. It is Trust Fund Number 2. Trust Fund Number 62- which is the special Internal Revenue Trust Fund is in Puerto Rico. The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico handles bot Trust Funds. He handles the Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico. But you have 2 Commissioners of Internal Revenue. You have one in the Philippines and one over here. And I think what is going on is that all returns that are filed are funneled down through- what they are actually doing is collecting revenue on liquors that are being run through the Philippine Islands. Up through the Bureau of Internal Revenue which is the Internal Revenue Service. And the Commissioner of Internal Revenue down in the Philippine Islands is the one who is collecting all the revenue on all these things and the Secretary of Treasury of Puerto Rico handles both jurisdictions. Just the Philippines and Puerto Rico- since they are both territories of the United States.

The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico is also the Alien Property Custodian and he is the head of the Department of Contract Settlements. Now these are War Contracts. See the Department of Contract Settlements was established during the era of World War One and World War Two. And what they did is they did war contracts. All the War Contracts were run through the Department of Contract Settlements- which was a Department of the Treasury.

So what they did, in 1920 when they did away with the Department of the Treasury in Washington, they moved it to Puerto Rico- the moved the Department of Contract Settlements over there too. And they also made the Secretary of the treasury in Puerto Rico the Alien Property Custodian.

If you read the Trading With the Enemy Act- in the Appendix--- the first Hand Section, Read 7E and 7C. It says your sole remedy for any property is under this Act and under the Sections passed in pursuance thereof. Now section 7E says they cannot make you liable on anything by any act that the President has done. So your remedy is under this Trading with the Enemy Act. You have to go to the Secretary of the Treasury in Puerto Rico, because he is the Alien Property Custodian under the Trading with the Enemy Act. He is also the Contract Settlement. He does Contract Settlements which is what you guys are trying to do. And this is the guy that can do this because they hid all this. What they did is a shell game. They have taken the pea and they moved the pea around under the shell and they are trying to"what we are doing is trying to find the pea. What shell is the pea under?

William Benson did the research and so did Cooper, but they didn’t carry it far enough. I have got about every treatise that William Cooper and Benson have written on this. And it comes down to one question. And that is the answer to the whole thing. Who is the beneficiary of the trust? I can tell you who the beneficiaries are. I have got the documentation. It is not my opinion. The holders of the Certificates are the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries in Puerto Rico are BIS, UBS, and Paine Webber. Paine Webber merged with BIS and UBS back in 2002. So the Paine Webber Group is now the United Bank of Switzerland and the Bank of International Settlements- which is where every commodity and security after it settles and closes ends up is in BIS. This is all headquartered in Puerto Rico. I have their website. They have about 12 different trust funds which they are administering. All this revenue that they are collecting is going to pay the holders of the Certificates which are your equity participants. In other words, what they are buying is the Trust Certificates. The holders of the Certificates are the ones that register and set up an account in Puerto Rico and they are buying up the interest and dividends off the Trust Certificates of Trust Number 2 and Trust Number 62. Those are the people who are the beneficiaries. So all the money they are collecting from tax payers in the United States are going to the holders of the Certificates which are the equity participants. In other words what they are doing is they are doing the same thing with the mortgages as they are doing with the Trust Funds in Puerto Rico.

A Heloc Trust is nothing but a REMIC, a FASIC'?', a CMO or what they call a bankruptcy note entity. These are tax transparencies. They call them GST’s. A what they are is charitable trust funds. What they do is they pay absolutely no tax on the in sourcing or out sourcing side as long as they pay out 90% or more of the dividends of the trust.

And here is another thing. You have to be resident within Puerto Rico. That is why you have to file your UCC-1 in Puerto Rico. I should get it back this week. I sent it in last week. What that does is that makes you resident within"if you read UBS website, anybody who is resident within Puerto Rico as a tax exemption"nobody in Puerto Rico pays any federal income tax. Not even the citizens of Puerto Rico. What does that tell you?

There you are! That is why you have to go through Puerto Rico. That is where the Internal Revenue Service is. And the judge in which you are dealing cannot settle and close this thing because he is NOT the trustee. This Secretary of the Treasury is three things. He is the Alien Property Custodian. He is the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. And he is the head of the Department of Contract Settlements under war contracts. This is what Social Security is. It is a War Contract 'something outside the "law of the land"'.

Jack: So until you actually go to the guy that can settle it, you have not exhausted your administrative process.

Jean: Yeah! So now what they are doing"is they are telling you you have not exhausted your administrative remedies.

I have had a half dozen people come to me that have used IBOE’s. International Bills of Exchange. And the head of the criminal tax division"criminal investigation division for the Internal Revenue Service told them: "That if you go to the right person, we can negotiate these."

Jack: O.K. But it has to be to the Property Settlement Officer.

Jean: Yes. He is the Alien Property Custodian. Read Section 7C 'in the Appendix of Title 50 U.S.C.' it says your sole remedy is under this Act and under these sections, because of the Trading with the Enemy Act. Which is incorporated in the Appendix of Title 50? Download it. It is right on the Internet.

Jack: So that is in Title 50. Which Section?

Jean: One through ten of the Appendix. You have to go into the Appendix. Go read section 7C and 7E. There is your whole remedy, right there. Not only is the Secretary the Trustee, the Alien Property Custodian, he is also the Head of the Department of Contract Settlements. This was a separate department during the war era of WW1 and WW2.

I got all of this off the Philippine website. You need to go into the Philippine website. Just type in Bureau of Internal Revenue. They have a website. It says: "Bureau of Internal Revenue Service". That is the internal revenue service. It actually says that on their website. That is why it is called "special internal revenue trust fund Number 62".

What you have to do is a UCC-1. They 'Secretary of State of Puerto Rico' have a UCC-1 on their website. You have to down load it. Then what I did was a paste-- I took the note 'that was given to the bails bondsmen', I took the bail bond itself"the bail bond was for $31,000. So what you have there is a confessed judgment 'since the cognovits note is a confession of judgment'. See all this other stuff is a dog and pony show. What they are doing is settling the market value of the case or the debt by the bond. When you sign the bond, you are agreeing to pay the bond. If you do not settle and close the bond, you go into default judgment and then what they do is they get default judgment on you and then they sell the judgment. It is entirely civil. It has nothing to do with criminal. It has nothing to do with what is going on in the court room.

Jack: The court room is just the dog and pony show.

Jean: All it is is a circus to cover up the fact that the Bond is an O.R. 'Own recognizance' bond. If you go into your old English in Corpus Juris Secundum, Volume 2, it says that your recognizance bonds came from your old English Admiralty.

When you sign a bond, you are doing a "chose in action" or a thing in action, substituting yourself for the res as a chose in action. Go look up what a "chose in action" is.

Jack: It just substitutes one thing for another thing of equal value with no distinction between the things substituted from the original.

Jean: What you are doing is placing yourself in there as the debtor. And you are agreeing to pay the debt which is a confessed judgment. If you look up a "Cogno vito", it is a confessed judgment. In fact they have outlawed them. But this bail bond company we did the bond with--- so what I did is I put the bail bond, the name of the company, a Certified copy of the bail bond- the original, and I endorsed it- signed my signature to it- which is a banker’s acceptance. I signed it and I dated it and I put it all in there as attachments to the security agreement. And what I did was a fidelity bond to the debtor which is the trust fund- put up a fidelity bond holding me harmless. So what I did was a fidelity bond and an indemnification bond on the security agreement. This gives me a perfected security interest in all the bonds and notes which are attached as collateral on the UCC-1. But now, I am a lien holder under "Catrano".

Jack: When you said you went on the Secretary of States website in Puerto Rico to download the UCC-1---

Jean: It is written in Spanish. You can’t type on it. On the other Secretary of States websites you can type on them.

       People don’t know this, but when you get a bail bond these days, they make you sign a promissory note for the whole amount of the bond. It is just like a mortgage. What you are actually doing is borrowing money. What my friend borrowed to get me out was $31,000. That’s what he posted to get me out of jail. So what I did is put a lien on the bond. I did an acceptance on it, put a lien on it, and now what I am going to do is I am going to register this whole thing.

       What I did was I took the red number on the back of the Social Security Card and I put that down under the secured party, and the bond number for my exemption. See, what the Treasury is doing is holding all the exemptions as the Alien Property Custodian and the Head of the Department of Contract Settlements. He is holding your exemption. Which is the bond number on the back of the Social Security Card.

Jack: So he is the only one who can apply it.

Jean: He is the only one who can apply it and settle and close the account. Because he is the one who does contract settlements on war contracts. Because everything is under the Trading With The Enemy Act because of the War Powers Act of March 9, 1933.

Jack: So this is starting to make sense now. If he can come back and make the settlements for you, then he can issue the correct paperwork to the public parties showing that the issue has been settled. He has the power by statute to do that.

Jean: Yeah! He has been delegated that power. They have hid this from the public. Everybody is sending it to John Snow and the Attorney General. They did away with the Office of the Alien Property Custodian and they transferred all the functions to the Department of the Treasury. That is now in Puerto Rico

Jack Smith and Jean Keating printable version
NOTICE: Jean Keating and Jack Smith are not affiliated with Freedom School.


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