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RE: (Voting = Violence) = Dangerous Leftist Idea

in #freedom7 years ago

It seems a lot of us agree something must change in government, it's just the "how" we are all struggling to answer.

I believe Adam's strategy is a bit naive as most others have already pointed out in the comments.

Personally, I think the answer is staring us in the face. We don't attempt to vote out corrupt government officials, we don't wage war against the government, we don't move away and start over from scratch.

We simply create a new decentralized government system based off of the core foundation any nation needs. "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

We already have steemit, honestly, how much different is a blockchained tax system that follows the basic rules our nation was built upon?

We build the system, we move to it, and we just ignore the old corrupt system entirely. Stop paying taxes to our broken government that wastes our hard earned money on useless things. For example, $700,000 to determine if Neil Armstrong said "That's one small step for man..." or "That's one small step for a man...". (Yes, we actually paid that much to determined if the word "a" was said or not in this famous quote.

A decentralized tax system would alleviate a lot of the corruption in our government.

Furthermore, I'd suggest we pair our decentralized tax system with a decentralized crowdfunding system (which I believe have already been built). Then when some leftist argues our tax dollars should go to feeding the poor, we can say, "Sure, here is the crowdfunding page for funding the nation's food stamp program. Go donate as much as you want! I on the other hand, need my hard earned money to feed my own family. Maybe next year I will have extra money to donate to the poor."

Now we have an uncorruptable tax system that ONLY requires tax money for the nations actual NEEDS and all other WANTS can be crowdfunded.


Steemit is not decentralized. If it was the whales wouldn't wield the majority of the power, there'd be no need for witnesses, in a decentralized system power is evenly distributed.