A safe haven in America

in #freedom7 years ago

Galt's Gulch is the hideaway for the super-rich in, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Jupiter Island, Florida is where Galts Gulch is for the super rich,like Tiger Woods. In Florida the weather is nice there is no income tax and if you have a boat you can leave the States in a hurry if you want to.

It aint cheap and average people cant live there but nice if you can afford it.

But what if you can't afford it? What if you are looking for a small town that is off the beaten path . . . and will forever be off the beaten path?

What if you dont like cold weather, dont like hot weather, and like fishing?

What if you don't like to pay a state income tax?

What if you dont like air pollution?

Want a fall-back safe haven within a couple of miles, one that is truly beyond the reach of America's bureaucratic system?

Want a legal border in between you and all American bureaucrats? They can legally get to you, but they won't want too. It's not worth the trouble.

Want to buy a house that a middle-class family can afford (at least for now)?

Are you are ready to buy a place to retire to, it can be can be easily rented out until then?If the wealthy ever spot this one, you can forget about buying there. For right now, it remains invisible.

I have known about it for years.. It might as well have been in a foreign country . . . which, in a way, it was.

It has remaines unspoiled. I find this hard to believe

The safest safe place in America

Here is what makes this place different, No American can drive to it without crossing the border. (Canada) Then you drive about an hour and cross back over into America again.

This means a government employee has to have a good reason to get you. If your a murder or have commited a high profile crime they will come to get you but low profile stuff like lawsuits certain whit collar crime not really unless it was in the news.

It doesnt get cold enough to freeze much its rarely over 80 degrees, you can fish all you want or buy a boat and go boating.

Residents can cross the border freely and the guards or whatever you want to call them know everybody.

The place is invisible not many Americans even knows it exisits.

You really want a back up safe haven then open an account in Canada, get residency although I doubt you will need it.

Then apply for naturalization get passport.

The bank account in Canadian dollars is important too, if the Canadian dollar rises against the US dollar spend your gains, I mean dont convert back to USD then its tax free, maybe buy land gold bitcoin ect. Thats another tax free thing Americans can do but its not talked about much.

Anyways here is where im takin bot
