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RE: "Inhale Peace, Exhale Freedom" (Yoga & meditation as important tools on the path to sovereignty)
defnitely not one of my options,
but i see where are you when you talk about stress removal.
i successfully killed all my connections with media industry after 15 years.
but if im still in, guess id turn to yoga till now =)
i used to fight it by completely separating work from rest of my day. it was not easy, sometimes work used to last for days, nights, weeks - before i get my own time. or i steal the day and go fishing to some remote god forgotten place, only to be called back because ‚‚emergency" just few hours after i arrive. and emergencies are every day.
hopes ill never have to get back into machine ^
and hat down to you, use all the weapons from arsenal, just remain sane and healthy :D