Free Tommy Robinson

in #freedom6 years ago

So, progressivism in the UK is at a point where the oligarchs running it are seemingly trying to have Tommy Robinson assassinated in prison for reporting on an ‘Islamic “grooming” gang’ trial, and the corporate “media” was immediately gagged from talking about the whole ordeal. Another guy was recently threatened prison and fined for daring to teach a pug to do a nazi salute as a joke, these ridiculous examples of nanny state thought policing are not in alignment with individual freedom. Meanwhile I hear London has a higher crime rate than New York City and the Muslim Mayor has proposed knife control to reduce it, because dulling your butter knives and banning people from carrying one is going to solve the problem. It’s all a mistake I’m sure, there is no possibility of intent to create a tyrannical ‘government’ and there is certainly no evidence to show that people are being coerced to go along with progressive authoritarianism. Must be an accident, the government has consulted all the “experts” and they just don’t have statistics yet to show that a legally armed and informed society provides opportunity for a more polite society, it’s never been done before. Big Brother always knows if utopia among the human race is even currently possible.