The Paradigm Shift Is Here: Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

 All political parties have led to much of the same results: wars have no gone away and another WW3 is on our doorsteps. No political party has yet succeeded in ending the onslaught on Nature, and human sufferings either. So what now? Time to admit that 5000 years of human history are showing unfixable and abyssimal cracks. There is no point in continuing what we are doing as a species capable to think. 

The power game would hate humans to realize that one does not fight for Freedom. 


Because as soon as one does so, it becomes a "group fight" leading to democracy for the top, fascism or collectivism due to coercive inner workings: you are with us or against us. 

Freedom is a story between YOU and the UNIVERSE and to learn that any form of coercion must be resolved as it is rooted in FEAR. 

Earth Custodians Agree With Ubuntu’s Move Out Of Politics

Man’s Made Laws Can Never Be Perfect, Bitcoin & The ‘Dark’ Magic Of Money

MAX IGAN: Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self

 Isn't it ironic that money spent on non material things brings more happiness? Why? Because it is the role of money to help us realize that Reality is much bigger than our material possessions The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration. It is a Movement for people willing to protect Life on Earth. More than ever, a movement for Humans who want to remain Humans  -- and in control of their own thoughts  -- has come. A paradigm  shift  is on the  horizon. Become familiar with the Earth  Custodians'  axioms: Join  the EC forum to discuss this extremely important topic   and prepare for  mindset transitioning and a currency-free society! No-sugar coated   realities! The EC blog always strikes at the root and  it is  not always pleasant to  read   how  bad   it  is out there. But it is  necessary so that Humans  can  come  back to their  senses. Thank you in advance for following, upvoting, resteeming, help spread the aims  of  the Earth Custodians and don't forget to continue your own  research!  ps: starting January 2018, the EC blog will slow down on steemit in  order to work on the making short films whose releases will begin by the end of April. Check out our own blog for updates every now and then.  EC is not afraid of censorship. However, we also have a  major  documentary in the work that should  go into production this  summer.  And EC just joined the efforts of   launched by Michael Tellinger. Nothing will stop the data from   spreading! Human beings have the RIGHT to know about the options lying    ahead and the smokescreen that is materialism.  


This blog doesn't really seem to be slowing down. Got to keep begging for pennies? What kind of money free society constantly begs for money? lolz

I do agree that collectivist thinking can be bad. Just look at the horrors of communism and the debt ridden monstrosity that is our welfare/socialist states.

The free market is the answer. People making individual decisions about what to do with their resources is what makes our civilization work. And money is the tool that is used make those decisions even possible.

I really like that ubuntoplanet thingie. It sounds very much like a capitalistic endeavor. Here is its basic business plan:

Make a business plan
Integrate business plan
Generate income (gasp!!!!!)
Profit share (Gasp again!!!)
Reinvest in business plan
Subsidize community
Holy Shit, the whole plan stinks of capitalism!!!! Hehehe.

Why, oh why, would a money free society leader join such a horrible capitalistic business? Hmmmm, maybe to get some of that free profit sharing and subsidization? heheheh

Just when I think Earthcustodians couldn't possibly become more hypocritical, she outdoes herself! Bravo!