in #freedom6 years ago

The May 1998 riots that claimed many victims left a miserable experience for many and a psychologist said such stories can re-awaken trauma.


When this incident I was still in college. . but at the age of my schoolboy it's too early to see people burning accidentally in the middle of the supermarket they are looted, people of ethnic minorities who are raped rotating by the wayside, houses and cars burned and their owners run away in fear. "

My school years have tarnished my memory with cruelty at that time. Now it's just a lesson. And hopefully this incident does not happen again. Although I am part of the majority but in the religion of mutual love and respect it is a part of faith, "


**Country tragedy **

I see, feel, hear and I will never forget this incident forever ... the tragedy of May tragedy of the nation and tragedy for our minority tribe. "

Many buildings and shops were burned and people pursued were of Chinese descent.
This sad experience can bring trauma back, especially to the victim and myself including victim.


That day Me and my friend out of rent in Grogol, West Jakarta. I went to the mosque, looking for comrades. I met two of my friends, who were also wondering what to do. They are caught up in the May riot riots.

For the sake of safety, the four of us entered an ambulance parked in the mosque yard. Luckily, one of my friends is adept at driving the car.

But we do not know where to go because of the atmosphere all over the bloody areas, we are very scared why this can happen.
The revolt is inevitable and the government also refuses to retreat.
The Indonesian president was then soeharto but the way he led Indonesia was really cruel and vicious.
He is not afraid to kill his people.


At that time all the students demonstrated the way he led Indonesia, all the students who protested or rebelled were all arrested by the government, after being arrested and tortured, including I was also caught.
Even some of my friends have died because of government or police torture of protesters.
At that time everyone in Indonesia is very angry with the president Soeharto even many people want to kill him. he does not deserve to be head of state he is a con, a murderer.
A very historic day for the Indonesian people in May 1998, until now our former demonstrators of 1998 did not want to recall the horrible thing.

** we people of Indonesia Love peace, Love freedom and we do not want this horrible thing to happen again in the future. **
** live freedom **
** all countries would want their country's leaders to be anti-war, concerned with their people, not cruel, not corrupt, Peaceful love, Love freedom and good. **

@Donkeyto and May 1998 tragedy




This is a tragic story. I hope to never see this pandemonium where I live for the sake of my family. @ironshield