SOPHIA the talking toaster oven, and what it means for man-kind. .... besides nothing.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

 Good morning, Everyone (proper noun as I only mean certain individuals), I hope Everyone had a great week! So, I woke up this morning and decided that I was going to see what all this Sophia the A.I. was all about, from all the Buzz expecting to see something unbelievable that is about to go "Sky Net" and destroy the world. I think that this thing is proof positive as to how delusional and detached from reality people truly are, to believe that this is anything other than a fancy gimmick. I IMMEDIATELY thought of ELECTRO the robot at the 1939 World's Fair. It was truly pathetic to watch man's attempt to re-create itself then, as it is now. I love how the machine ignored certain questions to ask it's own question about the Bitcoin Bubble. GIMMICK!

Having said that, I know that Japanese People are going into collective apoplexy over the idea that we are closer to having a real female 'appearing' toaster to fuck, and the Saudi's are even more wonderstruck at the possibility of a female 'appearing' thing that does what it's told without question and will tell that inbred mutant group how sexy they are and that 3" is a large penis, but I am far from impressed by a talking toaster. I bet there is some enterprising reject of society out there, as we speak, that has already figured out a way to mount Sophia's head to the steering wheel of the car so it can suck his dick on the way to work in the morning while telling him that it loves him but does not know why.

What is truly hilarious, is that no matter how much some people are offended by this post and think I am only looking at the pessimistic and negative side of this, YOU ALL KNOW THAT I AM RIGHT! Why this OBSESSION with re-creating man and treating it with some god-like veneration when you have Billions of the real deal starving in the streets right outside the door where you are spending Billions of dollars on this complete fucking garbage. We cannot feed people and treat people like complete shit, but you want to spend Billions of dollars on a toaster that will give you a blow job without dinner first? SERIOUSLY? I am not looking at the downside, I am looking at the reality of what motivates people and what reality is, and the reality is that this is the path to a Dystopian fucking nightmare that people could not even contemplate.

I cannot elaborate enough on what a completely fucked up and ridiculous notion all of this is. Why do we feel this need to put the face of man on things, a toaster for instance, so that we feel more comfortable with things. 99% of you have your face stuck in a cell phone 23 hours a day, and don't speak to real people, so why this fascination and drive to create toasters that look like people that we can talk to? You don't talk to REAL fucking people RIGHT NOW!

Point being. You are All fucked in the head, and the sooner that we shed this dying civilization and start new ones the better. We are already living in the beginning stages of the nightmare, it does not get better from here on out. I do not believe that machines will take over and "Sky Net" will take over. I believe that this course will bring out the laziest, self-serving and loathsome characteristics in man-kind and THAT will be when people lose COMPLETE empathy for one another and it will 'de-humanize' US, to the point where we have so little regard for our fellow man that we will value robots over a starving man in the street, where we already are, but to a degree where the real butchering and depravity will begin. We will unleash ourselves, on ourselves.

I've seen what most of you pieces of shit are capable of now, never mind what will happen when people become even more deluded, detached from reality and completely void of all compassion and empathy because at the end of the day, when your kids despise you because you're an asshole, your robot kids will tell you they love you, and when your wife hates you because your an asshole, your robot steering wheel will suck your dick on the way to your slave job and tell you it loves you also.

Most of you are all such low functioning life forms that you cannot build ANYTHING without quickly thereafter trying to find a way to fuck it, whether physically or financially, or turn it into porn. You don't need to find a way to better yourself so that SOMEONE will like you, you just build a toaster with a mouth to replace the people who despise you. I have compassion, so I feel badly for those people. I'm just not PC compliant, so you'll get the ugly truth.Place your order now, ELECTRO is waiting for you.