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RE: Will You Open Your Gift In Strange Wrapping Paper?

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

I like how you tried to see the good in it @axios. When you're in the swamp up to your neck in alligators its hard to see what good can come from that. However there is a good to be found in all things. We should seek the good in all things. I often challenge people to take three weeks and look for the good in all situations no matter how hard or small. You'd be surprised at how much good there is out there if you focus your attention on seeing it.

Having said that there is a reason you feel the way you did. Everything is seeking union from atoms to molecules to cells to animals up to humans. Each is a higher turn on the spiral so to speak so a bit different then the lower.

When humans enter into union there is and exchange of male and female energy. Even in same sex relationship whether platonic or not. If the relationship is sexual it is a more powerful energy transfer. The reason you felt the way you did is because a certain amount or degree of the energy you were getting from you partner was withdrawn from you and given to another. You will always feel this loss of energy when that happens and it will evoke all sorts of these feelings.

The reason I bring this up is to tell you to be careful you do not stuff or suppress those feelings. You must express them in a harmless manner and not suppress them. Also this energy exchange is why Human male female romantic/sexual relationships work best in monogamy.

I am not trying to dissuade you from the relationship of your choice. However this has been discovered over centuries and millennia of human relationships. Humans can form cells and molecules with other pairs but they are also platonic between the pairs yet there is great power that can be had in doing so, but all parties must have good enough control over there emotional body to avoid the personality conflicts that cause separation.

Sorry I did not mean to wax so philosophical but if your interested in this line of thought I would recommend a book Called the "Molecular Relationship" by Joseph J Dewey


I appreciate your thoughts here @blaynesukut. I agree with you in that we are seeking union, even down to the cellular level. I've been exploring how I can join in union than more than just one person and what I've noticed is that through my initial struggles I've been able to form much more depth in a variety of relationships in my life. Whether that is sexual or not, there is most definitely more depth now. My issue with monogamy was that I kept experiencing a reocurring pattern in three different 2+ year relstionships over a span of 10 years. The issue stemmed from my sexuality. I felt cut off in a monogamous structure. It didnt allow for the full expression of who I am. I agree that you must have much emotional control to truly embrace poly. That is very much the truth!

Remember you are not your feelings. The way to join in union with more then one person is to form a triad of couples (3 pairs). Each couple can be sexually involved with their partner but do not have to be, but not with the other couples. That union pf the couples into a triad is on a soul or spiritual level. When people can see past personality and into the soul that's when great molecular union will occur in the human race and we will make a new leap forward in evolution IMO.

Interesting! I have not yet experienced this for myself yet, but am definitely fascinated with the concept you are sharing here.