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RE: #EndTheDrugWar

in #freedom7 years ago

Property rights are the simplest idea to understand but, it takes a ton of explaining for the typical mind to wrap their mind around...that is, if they ever do "get it". But ideas that are complex & totally contradictory, people pretend to understand the nuance that makes them "legitimate". Occam's razor type simple is my favorite. Do no harm & live up to your word. Super simple.


You earned yourself a Follower good sir.

Well then to be honest and consistent you will have to reject the Bible which is clearly pro-harm to enforce all sorts of laws of a theocracy. Not to mentioned those in diaspora are told to obey tyrannical systems like the Roman Empire as long as it doesn't force them to disobey God's law. Slaves are to obey their masters, even the unjust ones who abuse them and to take their punishment praising God. I'm sure you have all types of mental gymnastics in bible twisting to get out of it all. So much for Ocam's Razor now. I speaks this with love in order to open your eyes to the reality of your delusion thinking the that you can consistently philosophically and practically be an anarchist while holding to the bible. I'm sure otherwise you are probably a decent human being at least.

Thank you for the push back. I feel like I can be honest & consitent without ignoring the TRUTH of our FATHER's WORD. In a voluntaryist world I would choose to live in a community that employed our FATHER's WORD as it's guiding operating principals. You may choose differently but, as long as we're free to make those decisions for ourselves, I can hold true to the philosophy & my relationship with our Heavenly FATHER.

Seems kind of hard to see how that can work when is says in the Psalms a sharp two-edged sword is to be in the hands of the saints to execute vengeance and judgment upon the nations.

Plus, in a biblical society you have the death penalty for commiting certain crimes like adultery and homosexuality. Now, biblically one couldn't just do this and then after say they changed their mind and wanted to no longer voluntarily live under that society and leave and get away with breaking that rule.

God also has had his people at times completely genocide certain nations because of how sinful he saw them. He could do this again.

It's easy to take a verse here & there & make it say what YOU want it to. I found Anarchy in the BIBLE...not inspite of it. Your just plain wrong. It took me years to break free from the false BIBLICAL teachings I heard most of my life. You'd need to do the same inorder to fully understand. I'm sure I didn't twist any scriptures to fit my thinking. Instead I let the scriptures mold my thinking.

That's a pretty bold claim! Care to direct me to some expositions in favor of your claims?

I've been posting them for years on YouTube & now right here on $ It's all in the BIBLE.