It’s really that simple. You own yourself.

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

Right now is an amazing time to be alive. The human experience
is as rich and delightful as ever and every day carries the promise
of a better world. Not everyone sees it that way, but on the whole,
"Team People" is doing very well. We have come a long way
and that’s something worth taking a step back to appreciate. But
the current path is not sustainable. Governments are transferring
more wealth than ever from the poor to the rich. We are rapidly
approaching a point where we must adapt or perish. The short
view of history tempts pessimism. We might see the recent steps
backward as the triumph of evil over good, or at least a turn toward
mutual annihilation. They are merely the steps backward in a long
progression of one step backward and two steps forward.

A truly free society does not exist just because we have been
convinced we are free. A truly free society cannot exist when we
have been so thoroughly propagandized as to define “freedom” in
terms of government-granted privilege rather than as a universal
moral principle. However, a free society is inevitable because the
global paradigm is shifting as we learn how to better assert our right
of self-ownership.

We all know life is better with freedom – that our own individual
experiences don’t mean nearly as much without the ability to assert
our will, rather than having our choices limited by force. Many of
us today still experience lives dominated by the edicts of others.
Many still live under the threat of death from war. While some are
doing relatively well and enjoying a great deal of personal wealth
and autonomy, many are not. Even those who are doing well are
living in a less vibrant and robust environment due to violations of
individual freedom around the world.

Any act of violence or threat of violence between individuals
represents a violation of someone’s freedom. The great illusion
of the current paradigm of statism is that governments achieve a
worthwhile reduction of violence. Governments are the greatest
cause of violence in the world today. They are coercive monopolies
with only an illusion of public support. Everything they do is
based on a presumed right to point guns at people who are acting

Many of us are dependent on government, and because it takes
on a large role in society, one can claim that everyone benefits to
some degree. This doesn’t mean the benefits justify the cost, and
the vast majority of us experience a net loss due to government.
Even if we are convinced that most people have a net gain from
government, we can always do better without using violence.

Freedom is the ability to exercise your will within your rights
without the threat of force from anyone else. It’s really that simple.
You own yourself. No one can claim even partial ownership over you
without violating your rights. By abolishing statism we will achieve
a world free of miserable victims and miserable victimizers. We will
create a world in which all relations are free of force and coercion.
We will see each other as partners in the human experience, united
in our desire to live free and realize our potential. We are destined
to build a society based on respect and cooperation

FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh - Introduction


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. I am currently on my #TaxationIsTheft tour! You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


Upvoted and Resteemed!!

Adam. I really enjoy your writing style and have been watching your videos for years. Who (in their right mind) can argue with the meaningful content you promote? By that I mean; who the heck wants another person to initiate force upon their own person when they've done absolutely nothing to warrant such force? I'd wager nobody.

You said, "By abolishing statism we will achieve a world free of miserable victims and miserable victimizers."

You'll get no argument from me that rails against the idea that we need to rid ourselves of this mad notion that certain people have some legitimate right to rule over others.

Having said that, if you were to encapsulate the solution (of abolishing "government") for the average statist, and you only had 3 1/2 minutes before he had to catch a train to, say, Jersey (could be anywhere, but Jersey was the first place that popped into my mind), how would you go about succinctly laying out the plan for such an ambitions abolition? (I won't hold you to the 3.5 minutes) :)

As a side note...perhaps we could collab or do a Skype interview one day. I would love to introduce my YT audience of almost 400k to you and your work. Peace.

Thanks for the deep appreciation! I'd be happy to do an interview. Please email me to set it up. [email protected]

That would be awesome! Do it, Adam!

Thanks Brian for reaching out to Adam. I think you both are on the same page. I am a fan and supporter of both of your works and efforts. It will be awesome to see what y'all come up with. #Stradog in Gun Barrel City, Texas #Freedom4All #TaxationIsTheft #StopTheHate

I'll watch it, it would be great.

Amen. You own yourself. End of story. Which also means we are responsible for ourselves and our choices and lives. That starts scaring people a bit. Then you have to own your power. Frightens people even more. But people are taking their power back more and more, and I know humanity will triumph in their quest for true freedom. It is our divine birthright.

Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

set yourself free from the income tax legally and using the tax code itself

The concept of Self-ownership is key to understanding Freedom, indeed.
And yet, being the master of our body is only part of the camino. In order to be free, we also have to become masters of our minds. Without investigation of our own mind, this is almost impossible...
If we don't know what the mind is, we can't know who WE are. If we don't know who we are, we can't be free.
Investigate your mind!
Face fear, embrace Love.
Upvoted and resteemed.

Well said. Couldn't agree more.

And just to add to that your assertion that we should "master the mind," a prudent individual also incorporates a mastery of the vehicle which transports your mind through space...the body. So many people are ignorant (willful or otherwise) about the harmful things they do to their bodies on a daily basis - whether by COmmission or Omission. Who wants a mind trapped in a body that has been hamstrung, or even damaged, by a careless, reckless, thoughtless lifestyle? Nobody I know. Peace to you and yours.

Right? Destruction of the body is apparently something we somehow like and choose... Peace to you, friend!

I just realized that US Gov banned your book. Wow! Congrats for that! This is such a nice endorsement as you said.

This post you just wrote is a very nice one. It resonate with me very dearly. I guess we could say it's a very good approximation of reality or truth as it's all we're trying to write about, truth without the superfluous and bias our mind are entangled in.

I think the hardest task is to convince people that they have been 'convinced they are free' like you stated in your post. We all have free will which is different to actual physical freedom and it's that free will that will direct us out of this prison system we all live in. Our own thoughts are still lurking in the back of our garbled brainwashed minds, I'm constantly trying to find mine. Great post!