YouTube should be afraid, very afraid

in #freedom6 years ago

How bad is YouTube censorship?

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▶️ DTube

YouTube has become a power hungry censorship machine. It will only cause a decline in viewership and creator content as they search for alternatives like DTube.
YouTube messed up bigtime by assuming that people would stand by and put up with the abuse of power while demonetizing and banning people for ridiculous reasons.
I have already seen some big name YouTubers like @furiouspete123 migrate over here as a result of their behavior.

Josh Sigurdson, the Hodge twins, Luke we are change etc.
Man I remember youtube around 2005-6 ish. It was really good. Lots of music, Star Trek etc. and very little censorship. But after Google bought them things changed within months. I have old playlists where most of the stuff has been removed. Google is fucking evil.

I agree Dtube is giving tough competition to them

DTube just needs to be more reliable, and it will take over the market for video sharing! Unfortunately most users have trouble viewing videos, and also uploading videos. Many glitches.

things will improve with time

As soon as it has the capability to stream fairly seamlessly and can be cast to a device like roku, chromecast, or amazon fire stick it will explode imho.

Streaming properly is goal #1 imo. Personally I don't care if it's only available through www at least until out of beta, but I realize some people are desperate for better functionality on their mobile devices.

I can’t believe i read that people where going to start posting gun videos on pornhub! It’s fucking ridiculous!!! Also I’m been thinking about what you said in your video a while back to Alex Jones. He needs somthing to cry about to keep his base pissed off! And if he came on here there would be no blocking people for calling him out on his non sense and total bullshit! I got blocked from commenting on infowars all because i called bullshit!

Alex jones would go from 25 to -17 in like 4 days with his ranting and raving, you want to promote change and alternative concepts, do it without turning into a tomato and promoting false narratives based on a bias. Sensationalism is not going to help anything. Only fighting for progress like @adamkokesh can do that, being respectful and having a real plan. (Finished the audiobook btw, totally over my head still going to have to listen to more to really get a grip on your plans for the future but I have time to learn) honestly though. People like alex jones would disappear on steemit faster than they can say ‘conspiracy theory’!

Right on bro! Very great insight. Adam kokesh is a very smart and cool dude, i need to read his book, i never knew about crypto until he talked about getting bitcoin to buy DMT on the Silk Road a while back. If only i followed through and bought some then!!! Guess crypto was way over my head then, hell it still is, lol

It shouldnt be take your time to actually sit and read the satoshi nakamoto whitepaper, then vitalik buterins ethereum whitepaper, then @neds steem whitepaper you’ll see you’re right on time.

Delete my YouTube account

I only go there to watch joe Rogan, and it’s cool for music too. But i will try to ween myself off of it like i have with instagram. 👍

If you use youtube to watch a favorite user, do it through the brave browser so their ads cant go through, demonitize the whole network and rep cryptocurrency at the same time.

I love the brave browser, it really speeds up the internet without having to pay for a faster computer/connection. 10 out of 10 everyone should use it. Especially useful for ad loaded sites like

Actually nowadays youtube is political tool somehow.
Running under agenda 21.

Youtube indeed will suffer a lot in the coming years. a lot of new laws and conditions to earn on Youtube will lead people to search for a better way to make money, and Steemit and D-Tube will profit heavilly because of the transparency in the decentralized platform.

i will predict that in 3 month youtube is dead and replaced by another company

unless they fix theyr issues immediately

That seems like an overestimate but the way things move these daze you never know. Change seems to be exponential with technology

i'm hoping this is the moment of mass exodus from facebook, youtube.

everybody get your friends, family to join us here on Steemit and DTube!!!

The problem is that DTube's search system isn't great. You only get 10 results back and they often don't even really match your search.
You can search for the exact title and tags of a video without ever finding it.
This leads to many videos never showing up in anyone's search and thus having no viewers at all...

dtube needs more users, more content