Better Way to Handle Revenge Porn

in #freedom6 years ago

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My suggestion should be the agreement between two couple whether they are married or not, they must have some kind of contract and rules before they became associated with each other, if they violated the rules there must be some kind of punishment and the custodian as a mediator. Though as you mentioned; when there's a time that people will evolved into some kind of liberated person and they no longer care being naked, Some part in Europe has a night club that only allows to enter are those naked.


Haha, funny.

yuong who has a steemit account @ khairilanwar90
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I know the figure @adamkosesh via post @ khairilanwar90 the rest I open the internet looking for profile @adamkokesh,
I immediately fell in love with it and want to support @adamkokesh to become president in 2020.

Adam I like the Libertarian response to how to handle porn revenge which may result to economic sanction. The government will impose any law that deem fit them since there isn't no guidelines

Hmmm, a very interesting area for exploring a libertarian point of view.

First, I'm essentially of the mindset that it is best to operate as an individual where you take the responsibility for your interests/property and treat both in a manner that allows you the greatest amount of either protection of or freedom with said interests/property. I don't want my nude (and fully clothed) images floating around the interwebs. I wouldn't permit people to take these photos, I wouldn't share my own copies (not that I spend much time taking nude photos of myself, but I digress). Now, for stolen images, or photos taken on the sly, well, different situation.

I like the idea of eliminating the governmental middle-man, as it were, from the "punishing" aspect of making a victim whole. The middle man adds unnecessary complexity and conflicting (even disinterested) parties into the mix, making the whole process convoluted and imprecise.

Now, the idea of insurance that you bring up is a little confusing for me. Is this a specific type of personal insurance people obtain? Is this a sort of insurance clause that tags onto existing property insurance policies? What is the mechanism of enforcement?

All interesting areas of exploration. Enjoyed the thought experiment, thanx.

@adamkokesh I agree with your solution
that needs to be put in appropriate economic scale in a way that govenment is not even capable of doing
revenge porn non-violent answer are better that violence .
Sir, i loved your this logic : )

A dick to your and according dro you're not gonna be a dick, if you're a dick. You gonna be held financially accountable for whatever level of dickery you are guilty of and sharing you know a revenge porn and if you want to calll it that but sharing a you know an intimate picture from a partner next it's certainly a violation.

Great way to revenge. Porn damages youth.

Agree with @adamkokesh, so I comment now😊

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Thank you very much Kokesh and happy weekend and always freedom

yes it was a very interesting area for exploring a libertarian point of view.

Simple solution is to copyright your nude photos like celebrities do, you can not only demand people take them down off websites but sue people who violate your copyright.

Yes of course, a violent based government solution is the best way. Thanks for your opinion. /s

I guess you should leave Steemit then if you think copyright protection is a government joke, they enforce the protection of copyrighted material more than any blog site I've been on so far.

All's you have to do is post copyrighted material without acknowledging the original author/artist, someone notices it and turns you in it gets flagged. Most sites don't do that.

Steemit does not protect you against copyright violations. Please explain how you came up with that statement.
Facebook supposedly will. So if you worry about copyright protection you should be on Facebook. /s

Just post copyrighted work without acknowledgement and watch it get flagged if someone turns it in.