
in #freelast month

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Space vessel. I'm tired. I woke up with a headache. I almost wrote deadache. That's kinda how I felt...dead. But not really. But just, like, not functional. I got up to pee, brushed my teeth, took a couple migraine pain relievers, then went back to bed. I think I fell asleep again and then was awake off and on, noticing the pain was subsiding. But I've felt kind of weak and off all day. I'm not using the prompt much. I just want to vent these things on my mind, my tiredness, my headachey morning. At least I didn't puke or feel the full body effects of a migraine that I've experienced in the past. At least this migraine wasn't exacerbated by alcohol or even littler too little sleep. I can't believe I start classes again Monday. I haven't gotten as much paying work done these couple of weeks since Lochlan started school again that I had thought I would. There were the huge fires, and the same week Lochlan started back, he had no school on Thursday or Friday. And my concentration has just been totally shot. I know I need to work, I need to just sit and think about my schedule, and write it out. I started to do that yesterday...I don't know why I didn't get more of that done. I was so easily distracted. I did call the electrician, at least. We're having someone come out tomorrow to give us an estimate for fixing our wiring.

The timer is up, but you know what else I did? I put away all the Christmas decorations. I vacuumed the living room and brought the little table back in and set the room up somewhat. And then I had choir practice. I also finished folding laundry, and started a new load of doggy diapers. So...yeah. It was hard to focus on work, but I got some stuff done.