BBC News Double Standards On The UK Immigration Disaster

in #free7 years ago (edited)

BBC breaking news today of a tape recorded sermon from the Imam of Didsbury Mosque calling for armed Jihad against the west. 10 Days later the Manchester bomber who attended that mosque purchased his ticket for the Ariana Grande concert where he murdered 22 women and children.

Tommy provided evdience of all of this in this video over ONE YEAR AGO but no one would listen. The media called him racist and said he was scare mongering. Tommy called out grooming / rape gangs all the way back in 2009 (2 years before the Times mustered the courage to published it). Again people called him racist and said he was scare mongering.

Tommy shown to be telling the truth yet again and exposing these evils more than a year earlier than the BBC exclusive expose they are running with today.

If only the traitors in power and in the media would listen rather than trying to demonise the messenger. ARREST THE IMAM & SHUT DOWN DIDSBURY MOSQUE!

We will not be silenced about this epidemic any longer, the mainstream media cover none of this but are quick enough to label people far right or racist, they put you in a box labelled right or left if you are not one then you must be the other which is wrong, we all have the right to free speech and especially when kids are being raped and murdered on our streets.


A good post - as was the previous one. However, two points:

More people will read this kind of post if you use #informationwar as a tag,


I'm feeling a bit anxious about seeing these posts, as you have provided information that makes it easy to trace you - and in the UK they will categorise these kinds of posts hatespeech and you'll either find yourself in trouble or lose your job.

As you have a child, please be certain you know the risks.

My best...

Thanks for the comment Arthur I appreciate it, I have no fear from the system and their threats, facts are different from hate speech buddy, when we become afraid of hate speech the facts are never heard, can you elaborate on what information can be used to trace me arthur I would be grateful

I was referring to your much earlier post where you introduced yourself and mentioned your job (it was, btw, a very nice post).

The leftist way of looking at life is that facts do not exist, only how we feel...and Scotland seems to have taken islam and the corporate marxist way of thinking (EU) to heart. For instance, in Cape Town University, a number of students demanded they stop teaching "western science" and teach african science, which they clarified, is magic and sangomas etc. How they think that will help them get jobs later on does not seem to occur to anyone, either students or professors.

We are not living in the brave new world, just in the stupid new world.

Thanks for replying you are an awake human by the sounds of it Arthur, you are correct we have a desire to be free from rule from the UK government but yet have the desire through our government in Scotland to be dictated to by the EU, the reason for this Arthur is that Scotland relies on the EU heavily for farmers subsidies and grants as we are mainly an agricultural nation so yes you are correct and Scotland is divided just as they would like.

Meanwhile, Govt uses public policy to demographically annihilate us.