Identity theft

in #fraudlast month

When do you think about fraud you think about something a bank can easily handle and manage

Unfortunately, banks are just comprised of businesses, buildings and people

When a person is serving, you like a bank attendant gets bullied or knocked down they can’t serve you

Identity theft Involves assuming someone else’s identity

If you’re wondering, how is this possible when you sign in agreement letting somebody else use your likeness They can imitate your voice in a call And use a computer server to pretend to be you

After having a computer server, pretend to be you, they can open a business under your name if you owe the money and you agreed to let them use your name and your likeness

The business can be anything including other forms of fraud and forms of illegal activities There’s countries that support activities like this for profit

We’ve approached some of them and ask them for comment and they deny that they’ve done anything and the only way to catch them is to record them while they do it

After somebody else uses your voice and your name to start a business, they can go ahead and start calling your cousins, pretending to be you and trying to get their information, even trying to steal their cars

Recently, there’s been people attempting to change the locks on the house that I own And attempting to sell my house to somebody else to avoid debt repayment

Show me the people who have been doing this claim that they have rights to my body and my property