Some of the chemicals used in fracking

in #fracking9 years ago (edited)
Chemical Name CAS Chemical Purpose Product Function Chemical Information
Hydrochloric Acid 007647-01-0 Helps dissolve minerals and initiate cracks in the rock Acid Incompatible with alkalies, most metals. Avoid contact with water. Read More

Human Health: Hydrogen chloride will rapidly dissociate and its effects are thought to be a result of pH change (local deposition of H+) rather than effects of hydrogen chloride/hydrochloric acid. ... Hydrogen chloride is corrosive to the skin and severe effects can be expected from exposure to the eyes. No skin sensitization has been reported. There are few detailed studies reported for human exposure. The irritation of hydrogen chloride to mucous is so severe that workers evacuate from the work place shortly after detecting its odor. A relation between concentrations from accidental exposure and health effects have not been reported in detail. Read More

A strong corrosive acid that is commonly used as a laboratory reagent. It is formed by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water. GASTRIC ACID is the hydrochloric acid component of GASTRIC JUICE.

Glutaraldehyde 000111-30-8 Eliminates bacteria in the water that produces corrosive by-products Biocide SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ Other symptoms that may be brought on by glutaraldehyde exposure include heart palpitations and tachycardia. Read More and Here

One of the protein CROSS-LINKING REAGENTS that is used as a disinfectant for sterilization of heat-sensitive equipment and as a laboratory reagent, especially as a fixative.

Quaternary Ammonium Chloride 012125-02-9 Eliminates bacteria in the water that produces corrosive by-products Biocide SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ Other adverse effects of excessive ammonium chloride dosage include rash, headache, hyperventilation, bradycardia, progressive drowsiness, mental confusion, and phases of excitement alternating with coma. Calcium-deficient tetany, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, twitching, hyperreflexia, and EEG abnormalities have also been reported. Most of these adverse effects are secondary to ammonia toxicity resulting from inability of the liver to convert the ammonium ion to urea. Because rapid IV injection may increase the likelihood of ammonia toxicity, IV infusions of ammonium chloride should be administered slowly to permit metabolism of ammonium ions by the liver. Read More

An acidifying agent that has expectorant and diuretic effects. Also used in etching and batteries and as a flux in electroplating.

Quaternary Ammonium Chloride 061789-71-1 Eliminates bacteria in the water that produces corrosive by-products Biocide Incompatible with strong acids, strong bases. Read More

Modification of experimental liver damage by an antiseptic: alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride. Read More

Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl-Phosphonium Sulfate 055566-30-8 Eliminates bacteria in the water that produces corrosive by-products Biocide Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate is incompatible with oxidizing materials and alkalis.

Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate is probably combustible. Read More

Ammonium Persulfate 007727-54-0 Allows a delayed break down of the gel Breaker Oxidizing. May ignite combustible material. Incompatible with bases, combustible material, hydrogen peroxide, peroxy compounds, silver compounds, zinc. May decompose upon exposure to water or moist air.

Ammonium persulfate is a potent oxidizing agent. A powdered mixture with aluminum and water can explode [NFPA 491M 1991]. A mixture with sodium peroxide will explode if subjected to friction (crushing in a mortar), heating, or if a stream of carbon dioxide is passed over Ammonium persulfate [Mellor 10:464 1946-47]. Acidic solutions dissolve iron violently, [Mellor, 1947, Vol. 10, 470]. Read More

Sodium Chloride 007647-14-5 Product Stabilizer Breaker Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.

Releases gaseous hydrogen chloride if mixed with a concentrated nonvolatile acid such as sulfuric acid. Read More

Magnesium Peroxide 014452-57-4 Allows a delayed break down the gel  Breaker Mixtures of combustible material and the peroxide can be ignited with friction or moisture [AAR 1991]. Water gradually decomposes Magnesium dioxide liberating oxygen, with dilute acids Magnesium dioxide forms hydrogen peroxide, when strongly heated Magnesium dioxide losses all peroxide oxygen [Merck 11th ed. 1989]. Read More

Magnesium Oxide 001309-48-4 Allows a delayed break down the gel  Breaker Incompatible with bromine trifluoride, bromine trichloride, phosphorus pentachloride.

The oxide is incompatible with interhalogens such as bromine pentafluoride, etc. Read More

Calcium Chloride 010043-52-4 Product Stabilizer Breaker Incompatible with zinc, water, strong acids, methyl vinyl ether, bromine trifluoride, boron oxide, calcium oxide. Hygroscopic. Read More
Choline Chloride 000067-48-1 Prevents clays from swelling or shifting Clay Stabilizer Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, moisture. Store under a dry atmosphere. Read More

Tetramethyl ammonium chloride 000075-57-0 Prevents clays from swelling or shifting Clay Stabilizer Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, water. Hygroscopic. Read More

Sodium Chloride 007647-14-5 Prevents clays from swelling or shifting Clay Stabilizer Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. Read More
Isopropanol 000067-63-0 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent Corrosion Inhibitor Isopropanol reacts with air or oxygen to form dangerously unstable peroxides. Contact with 2-butanone increases the rate of peroxide formation. An explosive reaction occurs when Isopropanol is heated with (aluminum isopropoxide + crotonaldehyde). Forms explosive mixtures with trinitromethane and hydrogen peroxide. Reacts with barium perchlorate to form a highly explosive compound. Ignites on contact with dioxygenyl tetrafluoroborate, chromium trioxide and potassium-tert-butoxide. Vigorous reactions occur with (hydrogen + palladium), nitroform, oleum, COCl2, aluminum triisopropoxide and oxidizing agents. Reacts explosively with phosgene in the presence of iron salts. Incompatible with acids, acid anhydrides, halogens and aluminum . Isopropanol can react with PCl3, forming toxic HCl gas. Read More

Methanol 000067-56-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent Corrosion Inhibitor Methanol reacts violently with acetyl bromide [Merck 11th ed. 1989]. Mixtures with concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated hydrogen peroxide can cause explosions. Reacts with hypochlorous acid either in water solution or mixed water/carbon tetrachloride solution to give methyl hypochlorite, which decomposes in the cold and may explode on exposure to sunlight or heat. Gives the same product with chlorine. Can react explosively with isocyanates under basic conditions. The presence of an inert solvent mitigates this reaction [Wischmeyer 1969]. A violent exothermic reaction occurred between methyl alcohol and bromine in a mixing cylinder [MCA Case History 1863. 1972]. A flask of anhydrous lead perchlorate dissolved in Methanol exploded when Methanol was disturbed [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 52:2391. 1930]. P4O6 reacts violently with Methanol. (Thorpe, T. E. et al., J. Chem. Soc., 1890, 57, 569-573). Ethanol or Methanol can ignite on contact with a platinum-black catalyst. Read More

Formic Acid 000064-18-6 Prevents the corrosion of the pipe Corrosion Inhibitor Substances to be avoided include strong bases, strong oxidizing agents and powdered metals, furfuryl alcohol. Combustible. Hygroscopic. Pressure may build up in tightly closed bottles, so bottles should be opened carefully and vented periodically. Read More

Acetaldehyde 000075-07-0 Prevents the corrosion of the pipe Corrosion Inhibitor Stable, but air sensitive. Substances to be avoided include strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, reducing agents, alkalies, halogens, halogen oxides. Highly flammable. Vapour/air mixtures explosive over a very wide concentration range. May form peroxides in storage. Read More
Petroleum Distillate 064741-85-1 Carrier fluid for borate or zirconate crosslinker Crosslinker Raffinates (petroleum), sorption process. Read More

Obtained by removal of normal paraffins in a selective adsorption process and consisting of mainly branched chain and cyclic hydrocarbons with carbon numbers of C5 through C25 and boiling range of 35 deg C to 400 deg C. Read More

Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate 064742-47-8 Carrier fluid for borate or zirconate crosslinker Crosslinker Chemical Name:JP-TS AVIATION FUEL. Read More

Conosol;460 SOLVENT;Einecs 265-149-8;hydrotreatedlight;JP-TS AVIATION FUEL;hydrotreatedkerosene;Distillates,petroleum;MineralSpiritsLowAromatic;Hydrotreated light distillate;kerosene(petroleum),hydrotreated. Read More

Potassium Metaborate 013709-94-9 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker Ultimate disposal of the chemical must consider: the material's impact on air quality; potential migration in soil or water; effects on animal and plant life; and conformance with environmental and public health regulations. Read More and Here

Triethanolamine Zirconate 101033-44-7 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker TETRAKIS(TRIETHANOLAMINATO)ZIRCONIUM(IV). Read More

Sodium Tetraborate 001303-96-4 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker Synonyms
  • Borax
  • Borax decahydrate
  • Sodium pyroborate decahydrate
  • Sodium tetraborate decahydrate
Incompatible with Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids. Read More and Here

Boric Acid 001333-73-9 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker Boric acid, sodium salt. Read More

Boric acid is an effective insecticide, by acting as a stomach poison in insects. Read More

Zirconium Complex 113184-20-6 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker Zirconium, hydroxy lactate sodium complexes. Read More

Borate Salts N/A Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker Used in laundry detergents, hand

soaps and cosmetics.

Also used as ant poison. Read More


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