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RE: [FR] Les crypto-monnaies contre le système ! Partie I : Qui est l'ennemi ?

in #fr7 years ago

J'aime bien votre explication sur les rôles des banques centrales et des gouvernements. Cependant, beaucoup de "preachers" crypto mêlent les cartes pour attirer des adeptes. Il est reconnu que moins de 1 000 personnes possèdent 40 % des bitcoins leur conférant ainsi un pouvoir énorme sur la volatilité des cryptos. Est-ce bien différent du système fiat?
Change-t-on un "mal" pour un autre, ou nous changeons les acteurs qui occupent les mêmes sièges?


Merci pour votre commentaire, ce point sera abordé dans la prochaine partie, mais effectivement, vous avez tout à fait raison !
J'ai légérement abordé le problme ici, mais en laissant la question ouverte.
J'anticipe un peu en disant que la technologie a les moyens de changer les choses, mais que pour l'instant les applications (Bitcoin et autres crypto-monnaies) ne le permettent pas, et que dans l'état actuel des choses, remplacer les monnaies fiat par le Bitcoin (par exemple) serait profitable uniquement aux ultra-riches, mais tout à fait néfaste pour l'immense majorité de la population.

this dumb fuck doesn't understand that crypto asset holders can't create them at will to bail themselves out like the fiat enslavers can... of course he is certainly or a dumb fuck noob, which can be healed if the chosed to work, or some kind of shill for the gov or some kind of leechs (press, academic etc) that once he will have understood will never mention that he read it here... because it's not an approved media by his cartel. :D

to respond to him, we burn everything down and in the ashes who knows what may naturally grow. and fu in advance with your coming regulation call... no reg, no hassle, wild wild west and the honest live and prosper...

In his defence, as his comment was a legitimate question and a valid one :
I would be a little bit more moderate about the impossibility to create crypto-assets whenever the fuck they want. You just have to look at gold : it seemed impossible to create it ex nihilo and then they invented "Paper Gold" and there's now more Paper Gold than physical gold in circulation, and it's the paper's price that determines the physical gold price, not the opposite.
The same will happen to Bitcoin without any doubt. You won't be able to create it, but the Kabbal will with futures and derivatives (it already began by the way).
And for the upcoming regulation, we're French, don't forget it, we love laws if they can protect the oppressed :D But for now, the only one that passed concerning crypto-assets (yesterday) is to decrease the taxes on the profits generated by buying / selling crypto-assets, showing clearly that crypto is already infiltrated by the already-in-place banking cartel.

oala... I will defend derivatives for ever... those are necessary tools of the trade.

then specially futures, which are just standardized timed basic contracts, there is 0 problem with those...

trade the derivative, trade the underlying... who cares, have fun :).

I will not have the audacity to express publicly an opinion on any priced things...

you should really research the derivative complex, it's quite fun :)

no, no, I keep the food and land, and the occupiers can leave with the rest :). I have no will nor need to conform to their mental framework, if they chose to surrender mentally for a few notes of papers and accolades from the accademic I will not.

don't forget multijuridiction, no need to be trapped in a false paradigm that refuse to extradite roman polanski the guy who druged and raped and underage american girl...

llc.... d. :D

there are so many stooge in the more decentralized communication system, that maybe you are right, my attitude is quite aggressive from the get go, but these honeyish condesending tone, only angers me...

"preacher"... lol... just lool. I guess he believe in "drugs"... as such... :D.

Lol your little speech about derivatives, nicely said !
Personally, I don't care about much, so crypto, fiat, shit, anything, I don't care, other questions interest me, not these ones. But I'm just trying to give some food for thought.
What interests me is secret societies and secret knowledge. Our world is doomed anyway. I think we're alike.